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DC3 goes Haulin'

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After several weeks of absence I have finally got my rig up and running and have completed the arduous task of re-installing all of my scenery and aircraft.

It was therefore with great pleasure that I managed to get back into the virtual skies and open SAD's doors once again. Here are just a few shots of a trip from Jackson Hole (KJAC) south into Paris Co 1U7.






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Thanks for all the kind words it is indeed great to be back flying again, it beats the hell out of installing software :D :D

@Brett I think I have confused you with my shots of the C46 Commando in the SAD Air Hauling topic.

@Graham the new card definitely feels better than the ATI card. I had REX and Plan G running on the second monitor without any problems at all - really smooth. I've also been able to max out all the settings on the aircraft shadows and on the Orbx airfields which I couldn't do previously.

Great to be back



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