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Dowloaded today the new "Carenado CT182T Skylane G1000" HD Version

These are the first shots after I re-registered to Australian plates VH-WJL (My Initials).

Have not yet been through the aircraft yet, but I will compare it against the Flight1 Skylane and send a report to Rob.

I have taken shots to show Instrument popups and a couple of the exterior. I have used my single screen working computer so that you get no wide screen bleed.

Photographed on location at Woolongon NSW Australia :whis:

3 outside views Top Side Underside:




The next set is internal, starting with the pilot view and popups:





Handling is as expected from Carenado.. :anyone:

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I am very dissapointed with this download at the moment. I may have encountered a corrupted download, so deleted it off my machine. I purchased direct from Carenado, I tried to download again but Carenado has blocked any further downloads.

I have had to request that they re-instate my downloads in my account with them, and also made my feelings of their crappy service be known to them. I will never purchase direct from Carenado again and told them so.

I would use 3rd party companies like FlightSimStore in future, at least they allow more than 3 downloads..

Have asked for a refund if they can not re-instate me in 24 hours, will keep you posted

Can not recommend buying direct from Corenado

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If you do not buy direct from them they are less likely to give you support. I didn't on my 337 but they still tried to help me on one occasion so they are so-so ok in my book. I also tend to give these companies some time to reply, at least a few days. Some of them have other day jobs. They do not seem to care too much about customer comments like other companies and can be slow to make improvements on AC that have been released. In some cases they will not even bother from comments I have read. They do some nice work but I'm not beating their door down to get products from them unless I can't get them somewhere else. It always pays to do research first, not only from reviews but from forum posts too. I try to weed out the "never happy posters" to give all products a chance.

Good luck :D

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Thank you Brett,

I was a bit peeved yesterday, as there seems to have been a problem of maybe a corrupted download and had used up my 3 only, trying to get a good download.

I personally fail to understand these companies who only allow a given amount of download. I know it is to try and stop the Torrent sites from gaining access to their products. (It never will)

But when you register with a company, that should help make them more secure. The trouble is, I live in a Country where it seems that the seller is only interested in taking you money.

Then tell you to get lost when a problem occurs. Also us Brits don't complain enough, so the seller has the added advantage.

I agree with you that they may have other jobs, but Carenado sells quite a lot of products and that should require them to have a better contact system than just hide behind a computer screen.

I will never buy direct from them ever again, I know they make good products and will buy again, but from elsewhere.

It's now 18 hours since I emailed them and no responce..

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Appologies for the past dose of the grumps folks..

All's well that ends well. Carenado has responded well and allowed a further 5 downloads. Did a new download and as suspected I did get a corrupted set on the first-time ones.

Time now to eat humble pie and retract what I said in one of my post's above (Can not recommend buying direct from Carenado)

So I refraze and recommend you buy direct from Carenado..

Again sorry for the mini moan..

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Toy's are now back in the pram and playing with then again. Thanks Joe.. :D

Now for a short comparrison between Flight1 and Carenado

I find the Carenado 182 an excellent model and the flight model also very good, now that I have downloaded a new install. As far as a comparison to the Flight1 version, the Carenado does not match it. Saying that; the Flight1 version is really aimed at the PPL pilot and it has so much in it program wise that a normal computer will struggle with it.

The graphics on the Flight1 are a lot better and more definition in areas such as the glass and fuselarge rendering. There is also a bulkier look in the F1 with control and switch surfaces.

The F1 has the latest G1000 glass cockpit which incorporates the autopilot within the MFD, where the Cardo has a seperate autopilot instrument control panel, the F1 has STARS and SID's none in the Cardo.

I like the Cardo version and I use it more on my 2nd computer with a single screen. There are a few nice discrepencies in the Cardo to the F1 like a double interior roof light single in

F1. The internals of the Cardo sitting in the pilot seat is darker when looking down to the trim wheel and levers below Throttle control level.

On the Cardo, no bug splatter, removal of passenger and pilot and no wheelchocks.

Carenado has worked well to bring this version into the HD league. The lighting is now much more improved with the wing strobe lights giving a more realistic flash. The Nav lights show the

light inside the wing housing and not 8 or 10 inches away from the wing You can alter the brightness of the panel lighting.

A short summery is the the Cardo is intended for us normal simmers and the F1 is more to the professional. Me being a retired sub-normal will mostly now fly the Cardo..

I am using all Saitek control and the Cardo seems to respond far better than the F1.

I am priverlidged to be able to have a seperate FSX computer with 3 screens and have found that 3 screens are only better with certain aircraft.

The boxiness of the Cessna is more suitable to a single screen so that's where I will us it.

Final: I like the Carenado :thum:

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