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Level-D 767

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Hey guys.

Finally got my hands on the Level-D 767 and love it, thanks to MartinW selling it to me so cheap ! :mrhappy: Here's just 3 shots taken at Portland in Delta colors. No flight as i'm still familiarising myself with the many systems modelled.

Rolling down the taxiway.


Talking to the tower..."Position and hold".


My first rotate in this bird with many more to come..


Looking forward to many flight hours in this bird. Thanks for looking.


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Hey guys.

Thanks for the comments and am loving the aircraft. Will try for a little more realism in my next shots, these were done pretty fast and i can see plenty of mistakes after i posted them.

TAP, the ground was a little more grey in the master. What i tend to do with my editing these days is.....Contrast - Curves RGB - Curves individual colors - Brightness - Visual Editing - Effects - Final tweaking.

Contrast is obvious, just sharpens the image up.

Curves RGB can lighten or darken select tones so i can make whites very bright without effecting anything else or vice versa.

Curves Individual is the overall tone of the picture. If i want a yellow tinge but dont want certain colors to become discolored with yellow like my whites. I simply use curves Blue reducing the blue in the darker tones. This is how the runway became the color it is. Getting comfy with using curves will improve your editing.

Brightness is now tweaked after all my other editing as it may have become dull or bright. Sometimes i only brighten whats around the plane or even the sky just to get it feeling right. FS can be very dull sometimes.

Visual editing is my blurs, heat shimmers, lens flares etc.

Any effects are now added to the whole picture like glows or lighting.

Final tweaks speak for them selves, its not right till its right.

I know its a little more than you asked TAP but gives you an idea of how the runway came to be looking as it did. Mess with the program is what i say, you never know what you might get from a bog standard FS screen.


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