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Quality Wings - Ultimate 146 Collection

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I can tell you that the QW Avro is an excellent add-on. Comes highly recommended by MartinW, and I'm a fussy devil.

FMC is very good, most features simulated, for example user defined waypoints. VC is excellent pretty much PMDG quality.

The unique features of this add-on are well simulated. Love the speed brake. Most operators deploy it at 100 feet, to wash off speed so that the wheels touch the tarmac at VREF-7. Some operators also deploy the speed brake at 600 feet, to increase engine RPM so a go-around is easier, usually only for low vis AWOPS approaches. Not to mention steep approaches of course, like EGLC, where the speed brake is deployed for the entire approach.

All very nicely simulated by QW. And don't be fooled into thinking this is another one of QW's basic ad-ons. It's not, it's a detailed add-on that will please most.

I'm flying this exclusively now, rather than the PMDG 737 NGX, and that says a lot.


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I can tell you that the QW Avro is an excellent add-on. Comes highly recommended by MartinW, and I'm a fussy devil.

FMC is very good, most features simulated, for example user defined waypoints. VC is excellent pretty much PMDG quality.

The unique features of this add-on are well simulated. Love the speed brake. Most operators deploy it at 100 feet, to wash off speed so that the wheels touch the tarmac at VREF-7. Some operators also deploy the speed brake at 600 feet, to increase engine RPM so a go-around is easier, usually only for low vis AWOPS approaches. Not to mention steep approaches of course, like EGLC, where the speed brake is deployed for the entire approach.

All very nicely simulated by QW. And don't be fooled into thinking this is another one of QW's basic ad-ons. It's not, it's a detailed add-on that will please most.

I'm flying this exclusively now, rather than the PMDG 737 NGX, and that says a lot.


Thanks Uncle Mart, I respect your opinion, I see a few purchases for the QW146 coming up, including me!


Uncle Mut

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I'd already got it . Virtually day 1. Agree with all these guys are saying :thum: (and it works in P3D!)

What about the licensing restrictions in regard to P3D though? I gather there are restrictions.

I got the Avro on day one too. :) Looking forward to the release of the QW 146 for FSX.

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Lockheed Martin have an "academic" license. Strictly speaking the P3D version of FSX isn't meant as an entertainment product.

Perfectly legal for you to download and use of course. My concern is how Microsoft will behave if P3D becomes more popular, and it's being used as an entertainment product primarily.

I've not read the licensing agreement or looked into this closely.

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Martin, it's been done to death as I said - tens of thousands of people are using it. How in hell are MS going to check you? And do they care? They've just stopped all support for FSX such as it was, and they canned Flight!. LM have covered themselves by saying its for professional and not intended for entertainment. Avsim and the like have been covering this for a long time, and its been on here as well. Have you been out of touch?. All I noted is that QW have made the RJs installable and useable in both FSX and P3D

Go look at the P3D forum, there's thousands of members. They sure aint all professionals :) I've been using since February on a £6 a month developer licenseand I'll use the RJ with it. No black helicopters been after me yet!

Have you been out of touch?

As I said previously...

"I've not read the licensing agreement or looked into this closely." I generally don't read Avsim articles in regard to products that don't currently interest me.

All I noted is that QW have made the RJs installable and ususablen both FSX and P3D

Indeed! What I said previously was... "What about the licensing restrictions in regard to P3D though? I gather there are restrictions?"

I was simply inquiring, asking you, asking you as you seemed to be more knowledgeable than me in this regard. I wasn't trying to imply you were doing anything untoward or that the "black helicopters" were incoming. Think you may have got the wrong end of the stick.

Although given your defensive reaction to my inquiries and my Phd in simmer psychology, I suspect you have your house barricaded and sleep with an M16. :rofl:


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I was kidding. ;)

Or was I?

You can't fool me. I have an image in my mind of birdmanmike huddled down behind his garden wall with an assault riffle. Waiting for the Microsoft thought police to rappel down from black choppers.

Seriously though I have no interest in P3D. FSX is running great for me. :)

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Affirmative Rob.

And on that note... I must say I'm very pleased with the frame rate I'm getting with the QW Avro. Despite the high quality VC, I'm seeing 10-15 FPS more than the PMDG 737 NGX. Not so many glass instruments hogging CPU cycles of course, but still very impressive.

I flew from Stansted to Geneva yesterday, didn't see frame rates less than 35 - 50. That's with REX weather doing it's thing.

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My favourite aircraft of all time actually. Had the pleasure of flying on a 146 between Wellington and Auckland over 20 years ago. Great that QW have captured the characteristic howl when flap 18 is selected, I remember it well.

Guess that will be my next flight, recreate the Wellington Auckland flight. Somehow I don't think FSX will recreate the incredible scenery I observed though. ;)

Looking forward to the QS rendition of the 146 when it's released.Different enough from the Avro to be interesting.

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