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Portland KPDX

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Hey guys.

I have been busy learning to fly the PIC 737 and Level D 767 as real as possible as far as my limited knowledge takes me. I found taking shots while trying to land/takeoff took away from the experience and as such i began to get fed up with FS. Since i have been concentrating inside the cockpit and not outside i have taken much fewer screens than i usually do and so much less on the forums from me but am enjoying the flights much more. As i also enjoy editing shots, i decided take one or two from ocasional flights to edit up and here they are. Just my usual really all taken at Portland KPDX.

Autumn and a 737 of Alaska Airlines in Disney colors. (pic)


Still learning on this bird hence the shallow climb. oops.


Summer and Continental Airlines 737 heads for the active flying to Newark. (PMDG)


Winter with a North West Airlines 744 arriving from Tokyo. (POSky v4)


Reversers kicking up a little dust on 28R.


Spring with some rather hefty showers around. Again Continental but this time a 763 heads for the active. (Level-D)


Rotating with a touch of spray.


Hope there is one or two you liked. As you can see i tried to get a very different feel to each set. Thanks for looking.


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Hi Steve,

That last one does it for me and the NWA 744 truly remarkable.

Could you ever imagine how powerful a PC would have to be if these sort of shots were rendered straight from flight sim :mrhappy:

It's good to hear to are now enjoying the flying more, finding new ideas for sreenshots after a while can get very boring, I know! You have got one of the longest flights up next in the African section so at least it will be a change of scenery for a while :yikes:


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Hey guys,

You guys have made me very happy by being unsure if its a screen or real life. It was you allardjd who challenged me to add a shot from real life and so i set about trying my best to make a shot look real. When you put a real shot next to mine its so obvious which is real i bottled out of doing it. This is mainly due to the limitations of my PC being only able to run in 1280x1024 my monitors max. All these shots then are FS9 which some are very obvious. The only thing real in these shots is the grass, the rest is the fantastic Portland KPDX. The continental 737 is PMDG with a very nice repaint. The edits i did apart from the usual color blends contrast etc are...Underwing shadows, underbelly shadow, wheel blackening to look more like rubber, shadows inside engines, more sun reflection to the fuselage and defining the text on the front undercarriage doors.

Unfortunately i saved over the origional FS9 shot by mistake, however the same aircraft is used in this flight i did here viewtopic.php?t=694 on Mutleys a while back.

Thanks again


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I apologise reef, I have flicked through these a couple of times now and forgot to comment (perhaps I was just gobsmacked by the immense reality and creativity in these shots. I think some of your best yet and also some of the best this forum and JF's forum has ever seen, well done indeed! :eyebrow:

I also just have a quick question about the forum post you did a while ago - viewtopic.php?t=694. You were flying to juneau, right? So I assume you used the amazing Freeware alaska scenery off avsim, but what other add-ons did you use to get such a sharp and clear mountainside on the approach shot? (shot 10)



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Thanks for the kind words Tap, glad you liked them. The scenery is Glacier Bay and the only other addon that might of made a difference to the textures is Ground Environment. I pretty much fun FS9 on full everything including the mesh and thats it really. Hope that helps.


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No problem at all Tap....Took a little digging out as i have way to many repaints :wink: Do a search on avsim under 2004 repaints for "Paulo Fernandes". Seven 737 repaints should pop up and one is the bird your looking for.

If you use World of AI they have released a stunning Jet Blue pack. They fly from Portland along with many others but this pack looks great including the Embraers. I use mainly WOAI with some PAI to fill gaps. PAI do Horizon Air which will fill many gates at A terminal. Just in case you were interested.

All the best.


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