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In a bid to get my hand working again I decided to return to my model making hobby, these are the first few:

Airfix Saturn V 1/144 scale, the kit features both Skylab and Apollo mission components.






Tamiya ,T34/76  1/35 scale














Tamiya, Panther , 1/35 scale














Tamiya, Chieftan Mk V, 1/35 scale










just some of my ever growing collection of 1/72 scale armour


my workstation


I'm about to start a 1/35 scale Panzer IV  and have several more projects in the pipeline!

comments welcome.




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Looks like your hand seems to be coming along just fine. Starting in the beginning pic's I said to myself, wow he's pretty good at this model making stuff. Great looking craftsmanship. Then I saw your whole collection and was blown away. Pretty impressive.

It's a great hobby. I used to make them back when I was a young'in but blew them all up in one funtastic war reenactment with my brother. Mom was really mad because the neighbors called the police and Dad was furious because the lawn mower was shooting out shards of plastic for a year. :D  

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Thanks guys, the small ones in the cases are part of a still growing magazine collection and come ready made,(although a few of them have been tinkered with since they arrived), there are supposed to be 120 in all so a few more to go yet.

The ones I'm building are the bigger ones. These are the first I've done in over a year as up until now I've found it very difficult to manipulate small parts. I've had to adapt certain things to be able to do it. I've a lot more in the pipeline and am about to start a Panzer IV. I'll post some pics when it's finished.

I thought it was about time that all my armour came out on show, I've a few 1/48 scale ones elsewhere in the house. I cannot get all the aircraft out however as there are over 2'000 of them! (Joe's seen a few of them!) Most of those are in boxes full of polychips in the spare room. I maybe disposing of some of them in the near future as it's getting a tad overcrowded in there! As well as aircraft there are hundreds of cars, a large number of warships, most of the ships from Star Trek and it's offsprings as well as other sci-fi ships. If we ever have to move house it would be a logistical nightmare!...oh and I nearly forgot,  a 2 foot high T-Rex !


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