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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/03/15 in Posts

  1. While I agree on this with the background music your comment on accent is really negative. It is so that some of us dont speak English with perfect Oxford accent. It is even so that this french accent can be easyer to understand for many of us than english spoken with English/irish/american/australian etc accents. You should be happy that the rest of us try to speak your language and we will kindly invite you to speak other languages and we will be kind and polite if you cant speak it perfectly.
    1 point
  2. I think this is a first for me, entering this contest, but now that I'm not using stock scenery I thought I'd share. All from recent air hauler flights. Misty mountain dawn on finals into Darrington Municipal., 1S2. [edit to correct spelling because I'm a pedant]
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. I would rather just keep flying but sometimes you have to land to feed them
    1 point
  5. View of Table Mountain, Cape Town, from a Lancair Legacy.
    1 point
  6. I changed office today. A lot smaller but more fun and its always nice to be on Saint Vincent. AC is the new Swift from Aeroplane Heaven.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Not a joke as such but thought I'd share this with you as Bonfire night has passed.
    1 point
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