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Everything posted by mutley

  1. Well it looks awesome to me Michael!
  2. There has been some server issues, hopefully fixed and stable by now, you could not connect to the Marketplace to buy/download the free update. The sim would say you have been disconnected.
  3. The full information package can be found here! https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/release-release-notes-1-13-16-0-world-update-iii-united-kingdom-now-available/365854
  4. Way to go Phil, it certainly improves the images.
  5. mutley


    Nice shots JK, is there an invasion happening? So many ships!
  6. Drones make for some interesting shots, well done PhiL
  7. The wingspan is truly incredible, a menacing aircraft for sure!
  8. Wow, that's better! What you can do Alan is copy the links into Notepad (thus a visual confirmation they are correct) making a list, then copy and paste all your copied links into a post BB Code is only used now on old forums We use the latest software and keep it up to date thanks to donations (like yours).
  9. Hi Alan, the shots are not displaying, I thought I had shown you the correct links to use? Using this link straight into the post works and you know it has worked because you see the image in your post even before you have hit the post button
  10. I am not jealous Max! Love Diamond Aircraft.
  11. Wow, that is a big fail Phil. I have a 2080ti too, the 3090 will improve the performance, just the price, I hope it is a good deal.
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