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Everything posted by patrico

  1. I have a registered copy of FUSIP just lying here but do not know how to use it, any help gratefully received
  2. Hi guys, Sorry I only found this thread a few minutes ago. After doing extensive research, on Saitek and W8 I found out that the problem is W8 with SAITEK. So I am waiting for the release of W8.1 and their are hundreds of people all over the Globe with the same problem. I enclose some information given to me by a friend in Korea. It works somewhat for me, but my problem is more serious, so I will await the release of W8.1.FYI guys my joystick is an X52, and not X52 Pro "All fixed, with little thanks to Saitek. But it worked. FIrst, I had to disconnect the Saitek X52 (not X52 Pro). U
  3. you can have my whole Saitek pro yoke and throttle, if you can collect them, I am not going to Cosford
  4. patrico

    saitek throttle

    if you had said you were using W8 I would have understood Try this it might help, taken from a friend who gave it to me, his words. All fixed, with little thanks to Saitek. But it worked. FIrst, I had to disconnect the Saitek X52 (not X52 Pro). Uninstall any SST software you may have installed. Then, I had to go to the Hardware setting in Control Panel and delete the two entries. I then had to go tohttp://saitek.com/uk/down/drivers.php and download the drivers, and install them. Do NOT click on "Choose your product range" button, click on the "Choose your product type." Then click on "Joysti
  5. patrico

    Windows 8.1

    I really do not know Guys if that issue is fixed or not, but now you have me thinking. I certainly hope it is fixed as at the moment, I am grounded but I have a plan B as a last resort but that will be expensive for me and that is to install W7 so fingers crossed
  6. patrico

    Windows 8.1

    thanks guys, after doing some serous research I found out W8.1 will be officially released at 2pm UK time on 17th in UK and USA simultaneously. It will be made free to existing W8 users as an update but more importantly for me their are literally hundreds of Saitek users out there with the same problems as me, and which can be traced back to W8
  7. patrico

    Windows 8.1

    does a anybody know when W8.1 is released ?
  8. patrico

    saitek throttle

    Good luck M8 as Saitek (Mad Caz) customer support is non existent
  9. I got it ok James and put it in y FSX folder but its sill the same. Can anyone help?
  10. no James I do not actuality fly online but intend to as soon as soon as Vatsim go to button control I just use at the moment it for live weather updates but I think I will be getting Radar CONTACT in the future as its button controlled. Do you need to see inside of any of my files
  11. as you can see James, I got it,.......................thanks ,. I pronounce it Astromanack lol
  12. I agree fully James, I see you have divided your hard drive in 2 with hard drive D mainly used for FSX products. I need to do that my HD is 2tb and I bought this one mainly for simming, there is very little else on here. Yes I fly on the internet all the time I moved the other computer into the bedroom and my wife has a laptop downstairs in kitchen all connected up on my network. How did you post those images of your computer hard drive on here, so I can show you my set up. PS My wife is also from the Valleys Tree Orchy and her mum lives in Caerphilly
  13. sorry James that does not work either and I had high hopes if I am siting on runaway or a stand and if I take longer than 15mins to program my flight my jonick just freezes up, I unplugged the stick but my keyboard is also frozen up waiting 10mins like previously for the program to recover also no longer works
  14. Thanks for that John, any news about thee possible update to your article written in 2011 on Flight Planning
  15. done James and thank you, easy to follow instructions
  16. Hi guys first of all thanks to everyone for your valuable advice and information. On my SAITEK X52, I have a twist rudder on my joystick which suffices (now that I have learnt how to use it) its the slider and the two hat switches on the throttle I needed to know about, I was hoping that there might be some Saitek X52 users on this site to give me advice, I am afraid, I cannot justify any more expense on hardware as I have already given away my Saitek Pro Rudder pedals and will shortly be giving away for free my Saitek Pro Yoke and Throttle Quadrant
  17. fantastic Phil please ignore my previous comment about Dubai
  18. Excellent was that Dubai airport
  19. Hi John, Thanks for that great lesson. Perhaps I should explain I fly PMDG aircraft exclusively and would normally only ever use ruder on 2 occasion 1. for taxi use 2.during take off roll to keep the plane on the centre line of the runaway But I still need advice on what the slider and the 2 hat switches on the throttle control of the Saitek X52 do. I just came across on this forum an article written by you in 2011 on flight planning. Is their any chance you could update it to include the PMDG Aircraft, FS Build, exporting a flight plan etc.
  20. Mike, I understand if you just drop it straight into your FSX config file which you can find by doing a search on your computer C drive for FSX. config using Windows explorer
  21. Hi James, You are refrying to the Saitek Pro Yoke and throttle quadrat, I am talking about the X52 Hotas
  22. Does anybody know on the Saitek xt2 Hotas what the 2 hat switches on the throttle control are and also the slider ? for and how to set them up for jet flying
  23. Done Nigel I will let you know
  24. James, thank you very much I will carry out those modifications and let you know how they work. The graphics are great for someone as computer illiterate as me Nigel all I said was the uiautomation did not work for me below is my confifg File ....................I think [GRAPHICS] TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=1024 NUM_LIGHTS=8 AIRCRAFT_SHADOWS=1 AIRCRAFT_REFLECTIONS=1 COCKPIT_HIGH_LOD=1 LANDING_LIGHTS=1 AC_SELF_SHADOW=0 EFFECTS_QUALITY=2 GROUND_SHADOWS=1 HIGHMEMFIX = 1 TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD = 4096 [sCENERY] LENSFLARE=0 DAWN_DUSK_SMOOTHING=1 IMAGE_COMPLEXITY=5 [DISPLAY] Wid
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