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Everything posted by patrico

  1. I finally made a successful flight today in my PMDG 777 from Gatwick (EGKK) to Shannon (EINN), on the west coast of Ireland, a flight that should normally take 1 hour 10 mins, took me 2 hours and 10 mins for the following reasons. I had installed UIAutomationCore as per James's advice, but it didn't work for me. But I remembered reading a forum somewhere that to leave it 10 minutes that it will resume again. I did and sure enough, it resumed. But that is not satisfactory and I am going to have to find a another solution as it stopped 3 times and put an hour onto my flight time. But the P
  2. thanks Rob that's a very good idea, which I saw on a forum somewhere but cannot remember where, if you successfully do it please pass on the instructions to me
  3. well my Saitek rudder pedals are on their way too a good home in the South of France, This W8 is causing me great problems.. I am experiencing a problem ( whereby on doing some research) it appeasers that this is a well know problem to FSX users that your game controller (joystick) intermittently drops out of being recognised by FSX., I have had it with W8 Can I install W7 alongside W8 to use just for simming
  4. thanks for that Jim, I have the PMDG 737 NGX WITH FS2Crew and FSX2 and GEX, I had just mastered it when thee 777 came out and have not been able to make 1 successful flight yet using the PMDG 777 but I am hooked as its a fantastic aircraft for me once I master it. The Airbus looks a nice aircraft but I did not want to up my knowledge of either
  5. "May I ask what disability you have? don't mind if you don't say just interested that's all bud (PM me if you like) Take it easy mate Jim" Not all Jim I am too old now to care about that. I am in a wheelchair after a car crash on Halloween night 1992 in Houston Texas where I was living(in my other life) Now your probably wondering why was he living there? Well I was working as a deep sea diver and commuting to Singapore and South East Asia every 6 weeks, I cannot walk I am not paralysed but have no dexterity I an no longer drive.
  6. thanks everyone for your kind sentiments, I did say in my post that everything would go through Joe. No Jim, I do not have a car, so I will not be going to Cosford but its ideally situated for you, I need rudder control, I am using a SAITEK pro flight yoke and throttle, anyone got any suggestions?
  7. Brand New Saitek Pro Rudder Pedals for free no catch only collection as I cannot get to a p.o. as my local p.o. was one of the ones closed recently. Original box, software and instruction’s available. I could sell it on Ebay but like a cat I want it to go where it will be appreciated. 10 days old. I live in South East London on A2 near Old Kent road and Tower Bridge, easy access from South East. I cannot use them due to my disability. This offer is available to bona fide members of Mutleys Hangar and I will ask Joe
  8. for those who have asked my system is w864 bit. Hi Bruce/Brian I too fly PMDG exclusive as I have said I cannot fly manually (due to my disability) and so I get great enjoyment out of trying to master a complex aircraft like the PMDG. I got the 737NGX and had only just learnt to fly it (1 day) when the 777 came out. I bought that, only to learn afterwards that PMDG do not offer w8 support. Its the old adage "buyer beware" I am now busy trying to master it, what a wonderful plane
  9. Alan that made me laugh re the A/P with ref to Kai-Tak, I have flown in and out of there many times in my other life when I lived in Singapore and it was my favourite landing for sheer adrenalin
  10. anyone: how do I delete a post on here as sometimes I double post by mistake
  11. Joe its not an OOM problem I am aware off that FSXism, its just FSX just stops responding. How do I set up a signature on here
  12. Hi James and thanks but my computer will not let me open it after I downloaded it as its a system file.
  13. thanks to everyone for your kind replies . I am busy right now but hopefully very shortly will put intro practice will post on how I get on FAO Hifly Geoff. you were right they are friendly FAO Joe, ignore last PM as you can see, I figured it out
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