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Everything posted by wain

  1. wain

    ATC Havoc

    looks really good, .....
  2. great work, looks like a nice addition......
  3. nice one, picked up South America, looks quite good, great price to, just need more time now.....
  4. that made me smile, your not alone there John..... It's a kinda prerequisite for the seniors here!
  5. wain


    nice one Dolf, supreb shots, just installed this region myself, not an area I usually fly but hopefully this will change that, just did two quick tests around Lim a and Beunos Aires and liked what I saw, just need more time now...
  6. sounds interesting,I personally do see the point of hybrid but still not convinced on fully electric......it's a start but still a way to go yet.....like the article said though currently the battery weight and equipment needed to cool the electrics are the limiting factors...
  7. I remember about 7 years ago I was an owner driver with DPD, I used to deliver to the hospital in Bath first thing in the morning, take it straight to theatre reception, one day I asked what it was, being so urgent etc.....it was pacemakers for that mornings ops, talk about cutting it fine, patient was prepped ready for my parcel.....used to hate collecting samples from Path Lab though...
  8. wain

    p3d views

    thanks Joe, your post got me thinking, I set up the arrows to move up/down/left/right.....works well.....I then discovered that if I pres and hold SPACE, when I move the mouse it moves the camera like it's my head, also doing that and scrolling lets me zoom in/out.....wow it was alreadt there just didn't know it exsisted..... Wayne
  9. Read an article the other day regarding Easyjet and innovation. Working with Wright Electric, who have designed and built a 2 seater elctric plane, they believe they will within the next decade have a regional aircraft fully electric with a range of 335miles, they are working with info from easyjet as to what an airline would look for to go electric...this range would suit easyjet on a lot of their current routes..... Easyjet also looking at a French company that are trying to make tugs all electric, this could save the likes of Easyjet approx 50000 tonnes of fuel per year....
  10. wain

    onto Brussels

    On route to Poland, EPKT to be exact, however I don't get mych time to fly long and this one only cruises at around 200kts so have to do it in steps, first one from Bristol to Brussels, with a few days Christmas shopping or trying Belgian chocolate or beer, in any order.... all set up, gps on but using vor's thanks to PlanG planning... on the cruise, quite low, PLanG suggested 5500ft, that's fine on this bit of the journey... cant' decide which weather to use, this was Skymaxx Pro, I find this brings FPS down to around 25-35 though...
  11. wain

    p3d views

    I am looking for some advice on either a product or setting that lets me set view profiles for individual aircraft. I get a bit frustrated with p3d at times when it comes to virtually moving around the aircraft, setting up or going through a checklist are two examples. In XP11 it is so easy, not using any extra app or anything it works like this, right click and drag, you then see anywhere, scroll is your zoom...set up a view, maybe the overhead, press the righthand CTRL and usually for me the number 8 on the numpad, pedastal same procedure number 2....I am sure you get the picture
  12. thanks for the heads up, will take a virtual stroll around their store in a bit...... picked up the Arrow III and the Tobago & Trinidad...........like the interactive lists......
  13. nice one Matt, some fine looking shots there sir, seems like a nice flyer you have there.......
  14. nice one Ros, great shots, I echo Joe in that is really good especially on a laptop......I think most devs have updated free of charge to v4 which is great.....
  15. wain

    Rotate MD

    cheers peoples.... @brett I watched those too, just a bit of homework before the purchase....
  16. nice one great shots, just updated.......
  17. wain

    Rotate MD

    Did a bit of extra window cleaning on Saturday morning, thought I would spend some of the cash on this......Rotate MD80....not had time to fly yet but just gone through initial cockpit prep, so far I like it very much...
  18. thanks guys, @brett that was very interesting reading thanks for digging it up....
  19. nice, some great shots there...
  20. don't get the point of 0-60 in 5 secs in a truck...not really a selling point.... as someone who worked as an owner driver for over 20 years after leaving the Army there are a few things that you require with any vehicle used in industry, initial cost, electrics are still over priced, cost of running the vehicle, will it do the job? range and load capabilities..... we now run a family cleaning business, we have 3 vans all diesel, I have a small van that carries approx 500lts of water for window cleaning, currently to replace that van for a similar size is dearer and has
  21. Picked this one up the other week, email from Cameron saying sale at Xaviation so straight over and got it, been waiting for XP11 upgrade......nice bit of work, all looks fine, it's actually a bit of a handful and apparently the real version is banned in some places........always seems to want to roll to the right.....anyway a flight today from EHBK to EGGD, tested the checklists, startup, Navigation, Autopilot and ILS capture and landing and all was well, I even got a round of applause from my virtual pax.......a few shots below, great value I think (£15)..... ready to run through
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