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Everything posted by Onward79

  1. Some time ago the invaluable 'PC Pilot magazine' published a total of fourteen 'lessons' designed to help one in passing this challenging check ride. All compiled by Peter Stark. Unfortunately for me my subscription began as the final article went to press. I have been nagging the publication team to create an electronic version that might be d/loaded for we who missed out but, whilst meeting with some sympathy, nothing in that vein has appeared. Any suggestions, apart from paying our for thirteen digital copies, would be most welcome. I wait with bated breath.
  2. Onward79

    Toe dipping

    Righto, Brett. i think that's more than I need just now but I shall exercise caution with free Missions.
  3. Onward79

    Toe dipping

    As Bertie Wooster would say, "Having had my beaker of Oolong", I have finally read your most helpful mail. I should have been looking for something of an 'exe.' file, should I not. I assume that with many of the other Missions such an element will exist. Many thanks for detailed explanation. Bit by bit you are extending my knowledge.
  4. Onward79

    Toe dipping

    Having just dipped my toes into the impressive Missions section and downloaded a simple Welsh VFR journey, how do I get it to run on my Steam FSX? Signed. Puzzled.
  5. Capt. C.....I took at a look at Frogglesim's You Tube FSUIPC intro. High speed but useful. .
  6. Thanks, Brian. Not using it as yet but it's something for me to think about.
  7. Does this still work well with DCS FSX, Needles?
  8. Back again.....I am completely bamboozled trying to set up some working Trim controls on my trusty Saitek X52 Pro. Despite trying different buttons, levers and trap doors nothing I've tried has provided a satisfactory solution. Might add that the flaps and gear controls went in without any problem. Any thoughts, helpful folk? Thanks.
  9. Just received an email advising me I can hardly afford to live without this freebie. Any good or avoid like the proverbial?
  10. Strewth. Hardly had time to scratch my ear. This I shall try tomorrow. Delighted I bought this A2A version. Great fun to fly. Thanks, once more. In an Officers Mess a young officer greeted a senior one with the words "Good morning, sir." The older man looked up from his paper and replied "Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. That should do for the remainder of the week!" So might this "Thank you" do for the remainder of this week AND the next one?
  11. Having checked that I have switched it on, I am finding that the black headed control knob alongside the radio is very difficult to use effectively. The popup that appears with Shift - 6 only decreases in frequency however I attempt to change that frequency. I have posted a call on A2A's forum but you guys always seem to have the answer.
  12. Here's one who 'cares' Brett. many thanks for that too. And I have taken to studying the two manuals....about time as well.
  13. I have awarded you one Gold Star for your efforts. Might be able to be traded for fattening food at Tesco.
  14. Bravo, Matt. "I am," as the Bishop said the Actress, "in! In my Free Flight stable I have the following: P-40 AVG P-40B P-40C and P-40 C Tomahawk IIB Next...they all fly just fine along with plenty of noise. Is there a keyboard input layout available or does one input via the "Input Configurator"? Many, many thanks for your suggestion.
  15. Thanks, John. Just an error I'm afraid. For a moment I thought someone might have a solution.
  16. Once again a cry for help, brothers in arms. I found that most of the paperwork in my pig were beyond their sell by date so, from SimShack I have bought the download package of the A2A Warhawk and the AccuSim that accompanies it. Starting with the P-40 the install went to "C\Program Files (86)\ Steam\ steamapps\common\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes....then the AccuSim install followed the same route. But where is it all? When I fire up DCS: FSX and select Free Flight there's no sign of any Warhawk. HELP!
  17. I think that Marie is lady with her head screwed on just right. I'm sure that her words are more tempting than that superb, outstanding, bone shaking A2A add-on. At least I THINK they are!
  18. Noŵ there you touch upon a sore point.....it's just about stuffed full already so perhaps a bit of busking is needed.
  19. i can see how delightful this A2A job is. Following Alan's advice I installed the freebie 'Iris' version but clearly the A2A version knocks off the proverbial spots. I note your advice about those updates and Accusim. Now - is there anything still in my pig?
  20. My thanks top you too. What a helpful group you all are.
  21. Many thanks, Brett. I shall follow up on your advice.
  22. Re: P-40 Curtiss Warhawk. I should like to add this to my DCS: FSX stable. I see that here's a quartet available on the Fly Away site and I am looking for an active pity. Would any of thoise do the trick or is there anything else you could recommend? Many thanks.
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