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viper last won the day on December 21 2015

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About viper

  • Rank
    Ground Staff
  • Birthday 17/02/1945

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  • Name
    Brian Jennings
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  1. viper


    is this the former yakdownpete.....if it is it`s me Brian get in touch......
  2. Hi UKJim, These are the Pics.........I hope I have done this correct........ Brian.
  3. Hi UKJim, The problem was in FSX.exe properties compatibility, one of the boxes was ticked I un-ticked it, GSX worked first time............ Thanks for the help. Regards Brian.
  4. GSX will not work with FSX..?......... I get an Error with the bglmanx .dll Dynamic link Library......any ideas guy`s.......... Regards Brian.
  5. Hi Bruce, The problem was the passwords not being the same on both computers,.a simple thing like that.............ASN is now working from my laptop......Simconnect is working, happy days......... Thank you very much for all the help in solving this.......you are a credit to the forums........... Regards Brian.
  6. Hi Bruce, ?1..............I have different pass words for both computers. ?3..............I have pinged from both computers they are seeing each other. ?2..............yes I have Home group setup on both computers..........I have been trying to get ASN to work on my laptop but to no avail it is not seeing the FSX exe file........ Brian.
  7. Hi adrian69, Yes, just checked...........Still no access........... Brian.
  8. I have downloaded windows 10 to my main machine which is Sim-pc which runs FSX and all my addons plus PMDG NGX....but the menues did not work so I retuned to windows 7, FSX then worked ok.. That said, the following problem manifested itself...........Let me explain...I have Sim-pc the main computer running windows 7 and networked with my laptop Pilot-pc, running windows 10.........the problem is that I cannot access the C: folders from Sim-pc to Pilot-pc through the network or from Pilot-pc to Sim-pc...I get the error ..Windows cannot access \\Pilot-pc\c or \\Sim-pc\c you do not have permi
  9. viper

    Win 10 & FSX

    I run FSX on Windows 7 and network it with Windows 10 on a laptop.... with Simconnect and ASN .......It works great that way. Brian.
  10. Hi John and Chris, I have managed to do what you suggested...........On windows 10, my laptop the C: drive has given me access........but on the main machine I have the C: folder but it will not allow access to it............ but Simconnect still works. It does seem that Microsoft have locked this folder..........Both Machines are networked and talking with each other....Happy Days. Thank you both for your input. Regards Brian.
  11. Thank`s John, Hi Chris. I also think this is the problem........but as John say`s, Microsoft could have locked it up.......maybe...... How you do I activate my built in admin, and add myself to the existing admin group...? Brian.
  12. Hi guys, How do I get permission to access the C: drive in Windows10, from my networked Windows 7 machine, How can I do this........................ Regards Brian.
  13. viper


    Hi Joe, Thank`s for all the work you have done on porting Simconnect over to the hanger........great job.............. Brian.
  14. Hi Joe, I have asked Pete can I post it to you ........and he has no objections................. Brian.
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