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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. Might hold back then. I need stable drivers for work, which is far more important (cos it pays for the simming....)
  2. Confirmed with the CH yoke and pedals. Plus there's now Gear Down and Gear Up actions you can assign, so no more having to toggle. yay!
  3. Nice spec PC. I've had a Hydro H100i in my PC for over 4 years now, and it does a cracking job. They're sealed units, so there's nothing to worry about regarding water (it's not like those diy kits that just give you a length of hose and a bottle of water!) 32GB is certainly plenty good enough for now, but since it comes on 2 sticks and there are 4 memory slots, you can always buy more should the need arise (Amazon sells 32GB DDR4 3200MHz ram kits for around £116). Personally I'm happy with 32GB right now.
  4. I'm kinda disappointed that in 20 years they've made zero progress towards the internationalisation of ATC. (well, the controller did manage to say "decimal" before some waffle about "inches" and someone following me). Anyhow, that's all disabled now, so yah. Yeah, there are places where TrueEarth is better (England, for example), and a lot of the AI/photogrammetry models are kinda ropey, and Bing Maps is the least impressive/up to date of all the map services. But TrueEarth is only a few tiny patches of the planet, and this is everywhere. I think there's a nice choice of default air
  5. you ent arf got some wide angle distortion on those shots!! Did ya fly under the bridge? Did ya? Did ya? I know why it's "unrealistic" . . . there's no scaffolding on Parliament & Big Ben!
  6. My first flight Was in the DV20 Katana (same as the plane I got my PPL in, although the sim version has the wrong engine), Enstone (EGTN) to Wellesbourne (EGBW) for a bacon buttie, then back again. A flight I did many times during my training (why I don't need a map for it, lol). No pics cos I don't have the cameras properly set up yet Both airports are very much recognisable and in the correct position!, although the default buildings are rubbish
  7. Tim_A


    If your 32Gb is made up of 2x16Gb, you can always add 2 more at a later date... (this is what I've done. The PC currently has 32Gb, but I know I can double that if I need to)
  8. P3Dv5 is a dog. I very much regret buying it, and quickly went back to v4.5. Worst thing is, nobody wants to own (or in some cases even acknowledge) the problems. I MAY look at it again next time there's an update, but don't hold your breath. Meanwhile, I've thrown down on the preorder for 2020. Will it replace P3Dv4 as my sim of choice? We shall soon find out.... BTW, beware of the latest release of FlightGear, modelling its packaging to look very close to Microsoft's.
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