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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. Joe's missus wins it, without er make up . . . (I've met her, so I'm keeping me head down!!)
  2. Stay Alert. Control the Shark. Get a Bigger Boat.
  3. "In theory" Carenado planes should work in v5 (at least so says Carenado) - just specify your v5 folder as the install location. But I and others online have experienced problems with missing textures, engines blowing out etc./ So I expect we'll soon be seeing a series of updates. Meanwhile, Carenado have released a one off patch to fix some avionics issues: https://carenado.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046625614-Installing-Carenado-aircraft-in-P3Dv5
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