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Mutley Crew
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. A few pics by way of testing. Not done much in the way of tweaking/configurating at this stage... Heading east from Guildford, along the ridge of the downs, at 2300ft. Liking the new haze and clouds. London is clearly visible on the skyline at top left. 30fps, but a very slight hint of jerkiness. Texture popping is noticeable but unobtrusive, Tracking the ILS outbound from Biggin Hill. Texture popping is more pronounced and we've dropped to 25fps. (in v4 this would be down to around 15, or 7-8 with the first version of GB South!) On final for London City.
  2. ...whether tis nobler in the lav to suffer the turds and floaters of outrageous curry, or to take arms against a sea of piss and by farting end them... (sorry, but you had to go there
  3. You must be old . . . they were 2p in my day!!
  4. Club in Liverpool where the Beatles made their name...
  5. The name rings a bell. He was probably playing the last time somebody forced me to watch that waste of decent tv time. I much prefer the American derivation of rugby (ruggers being a much more wholesome sport in general). But only for the cheerleaders, you understand.
  6. So, a passenger taps his taxi driver on the shoulder. The driver shits himself, swerves, nearly hits a bus, and stops inches from a shop window. "F**k me, you're jumpy aren't you?" says the passenger, "I only tapped your shoulder." "Sorry," the cabbie replies. "It's my first day. I've been driving a hearse for the last 20 years."
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