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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. I wouldn't be averse to that, so long as there's a way to migrate back P3D assets.
  2. My expectation is they're bringing it back to kill it. They won't want it competing with FS2020, just like they didn't want FS9 competing with FSX.
  3. Or Beijing as it's commonly known. Capital of China.
  4. Infantry. Especially as portrayed by Terry Scott et. al. in the "3rd Foot And Mouth" regiment.
  5. Don't forget the kettle! You'd look a bit of a plonker with mugs and a jar of coffee, but no hot water . . .
  6. Looks like the queue for Boris's election party too! And with a similar degree of enthusiasm, the winner is declared. Go to it!
  7. Had one of them. Came from a stay in hospital.
  8. Proper multi-core and GPU support Decent scenery performance, especially in densely populated areas (think about how crap P3D is around London, compared to X-Plane with the same Addon scenery) Ability to crack the doors open a bit while taxying Clouds that don't vanish completely as soon as you fly out of them Better vectoring (no more repeated 30-degree left/right zig-zagging) Oh, ad did I mention, unicorns?
  9. Less slidey-skiddy taxying Up-to date nav database & airspace, with an easy way of updating (e.g. Navigraph etc). Just being within 5 miles of the same airport in X-Plane would be a start! Rain effects (anyone remember those?) Correct positioning of clouds based on METARS (ie AGL not AMSL) Proper European ATC Rail tracks with moving trains (like car traffic) Unicorns (ya know, I've never actually seen the Northern Lights. I think they're a miff . . .)
  10. The sound of fake gunfire: Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!
  11. SIG... another acronym. Spectrum Is Green . . .
  12. The Rozzers and not people you want to get a visit from . . .
  13. Tim_A


    I remember once being able to see the tread on the wheels of a bizjet going into Luton. I was in a TB200 at around 1800ft somewhere near Stapleford (in that north of London corridor). He went over the top of me at not much more than 2000ft...
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