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Mutley Crew
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Everything posted by Tim_A

  1. Irony is, I can't stand Bogey Knig even un the UK! I've already been asked twice to swap the baton for an election result of my choice . . . .
  2. Somehow I'd managed to end up in a bar in Estonia, wearing one of those Russian fur hats. Ushanka, I think they call it. At least that's what it sounded like. The woman who sold it to me said it made me look handsome. Okay, so I'm gullible. Anyhow the heating in the plane has been dodgy, so you never know, it might keep my ears warm. Captain Coffee had suggested it might be a way to be recognised across a crowded bar (!). Yeah right. Just "the person in the silly hat that everyone's steering clear of" would have done the trick. The waitress was getting antsy to be paid for the mas
  3. Must get the new Plan-G standee ordered . . . .
  4. Spose I should get out of the bar now!
  5. Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards . . .
  6. Thanks Wain, I wasn't aware of the difference.
  7. I've had lots of trouble getting my Saitek throttle quadrants recognised in Win10.
  8. Tim_A


    Don't forget, if the map/plan doesn't fit on the screen at the scale you want, you can scroll it around and take multiple screen grabs. Because the maps are all tiled, you can stitch them together in Photoshop (or the image editor of your choice) and they should all fit together with no distortions.
  9. It's one of those things you'd need to get DNA from bones for it to be anything other than Yet Another In A Whole String Of Plausible Theories. Interesting one though.
  10. It is often better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.
  11. Tide, non-bio superior stain remover . . .
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