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Everything posted by ShrewsburyFC

  1. Excellent shots! Cant wait to see Sabres aswell! I like the idea of a Mutleys hanger school! :wootmesalia:
  2. Thanks guys! It is indeed Aerosofts Madeira X, I highly recommend it! Heres some more shots: Thanks for viewing!!
  3. Very nice shots! and what a bargain!!
  4. Tonight I have got 4 shots and a very short vid, which I was testing out a slow mo effect on, but I didnt think it looked that great, enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUP1r7FCnb4 Thanks for viewing!!!
  5. Here are my entries for this months competition: First up is the Bearcat: Secondly is the stunning Mirage 2000: Finally is my Embraer 170 Cow Cargo work horse: Good luck all!!!!
  6. Thanks! the strikemaster is available here: http://www.simviatio...ackage&x=21&y=4
  7. Ive aranged my videos in order of most recent to the first one I ever made!! Ive left some of my own feedback on my vids to show you what I thought of them, please tell me which ones you prefer as then I will know what people like to watch, and then I can base future vids on your feedback. Enjoy! Memories - This is my latest video, and is probably one of the best videos Ive made so far. Ibiza Departure - This one I enjoyed makeing, the quality on this one wasnt as great as I thought it would of been. City Link Flight, EGCC - EGLL - This one was requested by "movinghabo" who I think
  8. No problemo, The version I have is "FS Recorder 2.1 Beta 2" but it looks like hes brought out a "Beta 3" now. I dont think the stable version "2.01" has the rendering features which are in the Betas, but it should still have the advanced playback tool but I cant be sure because I havent got it. Hope this helps, Sam/Shrews
  9. Today ive got a couple of shots of a RNZAF B757 and a RNZAF Strikemaster, above some freeware scenery of Hamilton Island which I had recently downloaded. As you will see it is fantastic scenery and I highly recommend it!! (Scenery available here: http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/617-ants-aussie-airports-vol-9-hamilton-island/), enjoy! My favourite shot Thanks for viewing!!!
  10. Thanks guys! For multiple planes flying around, you have to use the "advanced playback" option in FS Recorder, in the AP section you can get multiple flight recordings and put them all together to form one flight recording. Once you get the hang of useing the tool its amazeing what you can do with it! If you need some more info on advanced playback just ask, Hope this helps, Sam/Shrews
  11. Today ive got a couple of shots of a spitfire arriveing in Port Lincoln, a video and a couple of random shots of other aircraft, enjoy! The video shows a spitfire and its little pal reflecting on the past as they pass over an old dog fight battle ground. (Best viewed 1080p full screen) Other aircraft shots: Thanks for viewing!!!
  12. Thanks for all the kind comments!
  13. Wow! This looks fantastic, keep up the good work!
  14. Thanks Graham! I used FS Recorder for the video. Sam
  15. Hello all, I have recently tried out REXs Overdrive add on, and some of the new textures and sunsets are amazeing! Anyway today Ive got some shots of the Spitfire and a short preview of an up comeing vid also involveing the spit, in the last two shots is one of the beasty sunsets overdrive has to offer! enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96HFQGUCoBA&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL Thanks for viewing!!!
  16. I decided to take the Islander out for a spin around Ibiza, please enjoy the vid and screenies! :001_th_smiles89: Thanks for viewing!!! :icon_thumbup:
  17. Heres some shots I took yesterday: Thanks again! :001_th_smiles89:
  18. Thanks Gunfighter! :001_th_smiles89:
  19. Thanks Hurricane! :001_th_smiles89: It is a lot like the Extra 300, but the custom flight dynamics in this beast makes it much more fun to fly! :icon_thumbup: Its available here (2nd one down): http://simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=Zivko+Edge+540+for+FSX&x=13&y=14 Thanks again, Shrews/Sam
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