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Everything posted by PanzerFodder

  1. He's taken the bait "!!!FISH ON!!!" Here's the link for the Monarch Airlines Airbus A330-243 G-SMAN (O/C) http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=mcp_mon_wilcoa332.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search you can get the rest of them by following the link at youtube, looks like a guy has managed to save a few of the freeware McPhat repaints that were lost when the avsim site got hacked a while ago Cheer's...Graham...
  2. In that case, could I tempt you with a KLM or Monarch??? . Cheer's...Graham...
  3. Very nice m8y The sun looks a bit odd though, needs more rays coming off of it IMO Cheer's...Graham...
  4. I had a job up on the screen the other day that was only one mile from departure to destination, did not take it though as it was only for 6 grand and I would have to fly 270 nm to get there, so not even worth the cost of the fuel "LOL" . BTW: I did have a more profitable contract out of Kamloops last night, $104,000 of wine and spirits, "Sir Mr Fodder sir", was a bit worried about the birdman throwing another wobbler at the prospect of loseing his stock of night caps, so I send one of the AI down there instead BTW 2 : Party round at my place on Friday night, the drinks are on Mike. . Ch
  5. Mike. Here's a nice video of a lancaster being flown in FSX, hope that it gives you some idea of what you can do with the sim . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsz1rK8WYEw Cheer's...Graham...
  6. Thanks for the comments guys Indeed it is the Wilco A330-200 GE from the PIC Airbus 2 Evolution package (I can show you were to get the freeware McPhat livery if you have this package ) Cheer's...Graham...
  7. Just got Aerosoft "Nice X Côte d‘Azur" the other day and had a little play around with it over the weekend. Looks very "Nice" me thinks . Blasting off from Nice airport in the Do-27, (it's best plane I have for viewing new scenery ) About 10 miles inland from the airport, That's the French/Italian Alps in the distance. Playing around with AES and the E-175. Playing around some more, just added the AirFrance "Nice" airport textures to AES Some AI Traffic that I spotted high over the Alps, Cheer's...Graham...
  8. Or you could always soldier on with TrafficX, just hang on to your cash and wait to see what the next JF offering is like . I saw it mentioned on the Justflight forum that theres another AI traffic program in the works . (just can't find the thread ATM ). BTW: nice to see your getting into watching the tubes, you'll be wanting to fly one soon (!!! I knew that he would crack in the end""" ) Cheer's...Graham... PS: will you be selling the plus packs for TrafficX if you go with UT2????
  9. Tell her to land at one of our bases, Nobby will be pleased to "fertiliser" for ya . .
  10. Happy Birthday Joe Cheer's...Graham...
  11. Just came across this little free add-on by FSDG, and thought some of you might like to have a look. http://secure.simmar...-x-(free).phtml One of the biggest gaps in the Flight Simulator world (be it FS9, FSX or other popular flightsims) is the area around Copenhagen/Denmark and Malmö/Sweden. Neither airport has received the attention it deserves, which would be a top quality airport add-on. While working on at least one of them, the MegaAirport Copenhagen, we realised that the single major landmark in the area is yet missing or only improperly recreated in FS9 as well as FSX. For this rea
  12. Very nice shots again, Rob Cheer's...Graham...
  13. Nice shots Alan. If thats Cornwall! where's all the rain and fog??? Cheer's...Graham...
  14. Think the Bonanza was my second payware plane, I got the Do27 first, and should have stuck with it TBO, its a real big step up from the default planes and puts most of my other payware aircraft to shame, apart from the A2A and Milviz stuff . Hey maybe I should stop buying new stuff all the time, and do a world tour in the Dornier 27, (it could take several months of flying just to get our of Europe though ). Cheer's...Graham...
  15. Greats shots buddy . Nice to see you flying the first plane that I ever got you to buy . Cheer's...Graham...
  16. Very nice indeed Cheer's...Graham...
  17. Just pop a "Captain" in there somewhere and that will be fine Cheer's...Captain Mr Fodder now the Diamond jubilee is over... Might as well throw a "Sir" in there too! Co-Pilot="Flaps up Sir Captain Fodder Sir" Brett, I like you more and more, please come on over for drinks and brown envelopes later in the week .
  18. NEWS FLASH. PFC has had to add another Embraer 195 to it's fleet in North America, just to keep up with all the extra hauling contracts that keep pouring in since a rival packed his bags and said goodbye to the circus in Canada. CEO Captain PanzerFodder was very please with the deal, and said that he virtually robbed the seller when he picked it up for only 11 million bucks, although it did cost a further two million to get it back into airworthy condition, but that is still a considerable saving on the price of a new one, and with 17 million still in the cash book and no outstanding loans,
  19. Just pop a "Captain" in there somewhere and that will be fine Cheer's...Captain Mr Fodder now the Diamond jubilee is over...
  20. Don't know if this will help, but have you tried clicking on the FSX screen with your mouse curser after you move stuff to your second screen???. I have to do that every time when I play around with AES, I am in windowed mode so I have click the mouse to reativate the window, it's funny because I can see nav lights working, but I can't get back into the sim untill I do a click . Cheer's...Graham...
  21. What! you've got Elton John on the payroll as well now? Nice update Mike, and you can go back to calling me Mr Fodder now the Diamond jubilee is over, thanks mate! Cheer's....Graham...
  22. I can't believe that Tim has never been hit in the Knackers! I thought everyone in the UK knew that one Cheer's...Graham...
  23. Some really nice shots there Buddy Must have been a pain in the bum putting in all those waypoints though Cheer's...Graham...
  24. Very nice shots m8y . So, what the score after the re-install??? is it any smoother now, and how's the new vid card making out, is it better than the old ATI that you had??? Cheer's...Graham...
  25. Don't you feel silly parking that thing next to all those nice modern jets . BTW: Good to have you back, how's the wife? ). Cheer's...HRH PanzerFodder...
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