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Everything posted by PanzerFodder

  1. Superb shots, What scenery are you useing,??? Cheer's...Graham...
  2. You should try flying with Sabre as your wingman, that will put the fear of Christ into you . Cheer's...Graham... PS: Did you get GSX in the end of not???
  3. Hi John. Just sent you a couple of the tutorials that came with Traffic X, I don't think its what your looking for really but you might find some of it usefull . Cheer's...Graham...
  4. Oh! it looks like Nobby must have been doing a spot of body building ( and whats that on his head? ) Nice update Mike, keep digging . Cheer's...Graham...
  5. Some good looking shots Micke, I'm enjoying this thread Cheer's...Graham...
  6. Good job Brian, Best get it insured for the weekend at Weston, you know what them Wurzels are like dun'ea Cheer's...Graham...
  7. Sorry to hear about the melt down . I would now like to save you from yourself buddy, and say get a i7 2600k, sorry but I know what your like and you will always be mulling it over in you mind if you buy somthing cheaper . when you buy a mainboard and Ram, check all the forums to see what is compatible with what, the ASUS web site used to have a link for each mainboard model listing all the different make/types of Ram that would work with that particular board . (from what i have read, some M/B and Ram combinations can be real lemons . When I changed my mainboard (I kept my old hard dri
  8. Nice shots and airport Cheer's...Graham...
  9. Great review Joe Roll on the next Orbx sale . Cheer's...Graham...
  10. Oh Dear! now I've gone and done it, just tried out the Aerosoft AES and now think this one looks better TBH, and the detail of the models looks a bit more relistic IMO??? pitty AES it only does add-on airports and you don't get to see the cargo loading animation ,But a very handy thing about AES is that a few airports need "0" credits and Bornholm Island is one of them . I am now thinking about buying a credit pack as I do have three Aerosoft airports that could be activated and that would give me about 5 credits left over incase I see something on sale in the future. Vaernes airport with
  11. Thanks for the comments, I agree it does make the boring old default airports look a bit more "Alive" . Adding a couple more shots, showing the two types of pushback trucks that come with GSX. Last shot to showing that the loading platform is a bit to high for the JF Free 757, I would think that you should be able to ajust it in the GFX settings, although I did not see that mentioned on their website. Also I read on their forum, that if you have an aircraft the loads on the left, you are knackered! because those planes are not supported at all . Cheer's...Graham...
  12. After seeing Jim shots, of the 737 and "Aerosoft AES" I thought that I would try out the free demo for FSDreamteams GSX, it only lets you try it on 3 default FSX airports, so my shots are a bit on the dull side because of that, but I must say its a nice bit of eye candy TBH and works a treat with the default 747 and my little feelthere Embraer 195. Down side with GSX is that it only supports the most popular aircraft ATM, and I did try it on my JF Free 757-200, but on this plane the service doors do not open so it looks a bit funny as the catering guy walks through the side of the plane . A
  13. Very nice Jim. Cockpit shots are superb, I'll put it on Sabres shopping list right away . Is that the Aerosoft airport sevices, I can see is the Gate shots??? was looking at the fsdreamteam one a couple of weeks ago, but at $43 CND it looks to bit a bit too expensive for me ATM . Cheer's...Graham...
  14. Cool shots Rich. Did a lot of flights in and out of CEN4 when it was my AH base, I have Orbx NRM scenery as well, and that little airfield blends in so well I always had trouble finding it in the winter time. Cheer's...Graham...
  15. Looking very nice Jim. Would like that plane myself, but I really should learn more about flying my E-jets before blowing mors dosh on another one to just sit in my hangar . Cheer's...Graham...
  16. Nicely done Sam Cheer's...Graham...
  17. Invitation To the CEO of SoHigh Air Services. Big knee's up at Pincher Creek tonight. 20.30 hrs. Formal dress code, and remember to bring you own beaver this time please. end of message
  18. Have not had time to load up FSX today, but it you was to crank up your ships/pleasure boats traffic to 100%, I wonder if the "ghost" ship will appear? (will try that over the weekend to see if it works ). Cheer's...Graham...
  19. FLEET EXPANTION. Mr PanzerFodders latest talks with his friends from Brazil have again turned out to be most fruitful, this time he managed to bag a very good condition ex Azul Embraer 195, this model can carry just over 3000 lb's more than the smaller E-175. Panzer said he will not be doing any custom paint jobs on his Embraer jets as he spent a small fortune on McPhat livery packages! and that he intends to get his moneys worth from them first. The new aircraft will be based at Pincher Creek for the time being, although with a cruise speed of 477 mph, it can reach our most Northern ba
  20. Very nice Alan, Your shots are getting better and better, did you upgraded your system?. Cheer's...Graham...
  21. Nice update Mike. Happy that you have moved to a base where we can still keep an eye on you, I just got Amy to fly a shipment of baby toys up to Whitehorse for you, just incase you have another little outburst and chuck all your toys out of the pram again PS: You do know what they say about Whitehorse don't you??? Ye-ha, ride "HIM" cowboy Now I'm begining too wonder if it was "Big Jon" Wayne round the back of the Hangar making beaver noises the other day Cheer's...Graham...
  22. No Mike, I loaded up FSX with the flight, too see if the ship was still there (there are several ships listed in the FSX airport menue, but when you load a flight you always end up in the drink?) Which brings me on too this, if you can see the ships in the FSX airports menue, why is it when you load a flight to take off from one of them, it has gone??? how the heck can can you take off from a ship in a helicopter if there is nothing there??? or is there something vital that I have missed??? Cheer's...Graham...
  23. You are Correct Sir, they are AI and they do move. Come on in!, the water's lovely Cheer's...Graham...
  24. Hi Gents. The two jobs (shown in red) just came up, just wondering if any of you have been able to land on the decks of boats in AH?. I have Tongass and PFJ installed and imported to AH, so my guess is that they are static ships and AH picked them up, although if you read whats in the box in the bottom right, it states that it's an AI vessel, hope that it's not moving as that could really b**ger things up Cheer's...Graham...
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