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Everything posted by PanzerFodder

  1. Things are looking good, got a perfect download on my first try from FSS, and it only took 3 hours from the USA server . incase any of you don't already know it, you can get the full 4.25 GB version at the flightsimstore if you bought your original copy of REX2 from them, just go into your FSS account and look for your order for REX2 in your purchase history Cheer's...Graham...
  2. I like it too I just can't afford it after my last spending spree Cheer's...Graham...
  3. Good luck instaling all that lot again buddy . But at least you timeing is good, REX3 has just been realeased so you may as well download and install that one a nice clean HD http://forum.mutleyshangar.com/index.php/topic/7233-rex-essential-new-update-on-its-way/page__pid__64974__st__20#entry64974 Cheer's...Graham... PS: Maybe I should do my drive as well, coz things are getting pretty slow in FS for me ATM .
  4. Good shots James I have the Kodiak as well, but have not flown it since I got the PC12 and Twin Otter, I really must take it out for another spin around the Great lakes one day soon . Cheer's...Graham...
  5. Very nice shots again . Cheer's...Graham...
  6. PanzerFodder


    Nice shot Rob, is that just up the river from Concrete PNW ? . Cheer's...Graham...
  7. From Jaykae at the REX forum, better get downloading chaps The time has come! REX Game Studios is proud to bring you REX Essential for FSX and PREPAR3D. Over the past year our team has worked diligently, and as a result of our customers’ feedback, we’ve added over 50 enhancements to our software solution for FSX and Prepar3D. Enhancements include performance improvements, intuitive navigation, a new customizable, industrial-strength weather engine, FlightAware integration, a powerful new flight planner, "cloud" sharing, backup services and much, much more! We are thankful to each and ever
  8. Some really nice shots there Micke, you'll have to do a couple of repaints of those for you hangar . Cheer's...Graham...
  9. Just found this video of P3D released a couple of days ago by Lochheed Martin, I Posted it here as I thought some of the guys and gals at Mutleys might like to have a peek . Prepar3D® simulation software presents a virtual world that spans from the depths of the ocean to suborbital space. See how Prepar3D can be used for immersive, experiential learning in this trailer. Since launching the software in 2010 as an evolution of Microsoft ESP technology for professional training and academic learning, Lockheed Martin has expanded ground and maritime settings, added camera sensors and enhanced i
  10. I think you already know the awnser to that one Graham, judging by the laugh. Just a slang word for testicles, not too sure where it came from though. another phrase you may here related to that is "Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey!" This nothing whatsoever to do with the unintentional castration of an unfortumnate primate, but is in fact straight from the annals of the 18th century Royal Navy. When a warship was preparing for battle a stack of cannon balls were kept near the guns for easy use. they were stacked in a pyramid formation in a receptacle called a "monkey" . No
  11. Could you explain. "The Cricket ball hit me right in the Knackers!" please Alan Cheer's...Graham...
  12. What about this one A2A Heinkel He 219 Uhu http://www.a2asimulations.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=3&products_id=40 Cheer's...Graham...
  13. No Problem buddy , BTW: Party at my place later tonight, bring your tooth brush and new AI pilot .
  14. PFC UPDATE. Fleet Expanding in Europe. PFC now with a net worth of over 60 million CND has purchased another used E-195 aircraft to operate out of the base at Rotterdam, the new Embraer should be ready for service by the end of this week. Promotions. Randy Cowan has now achieved the rank of Legend, so we will be throwing yet another party at Pincher Creek this weekend to celebrate. All the usual people are invited, Brett from SoHigh Cargo will be flying in the champers, we would also like to extend our invitation to his new AI pilot "Lacey", as I am sure all at Pincher Creek would like to
  15. Nice job Jim . Glad that your getting some good use out of the 737 . (still think it would look better with the Mickey mouse paint job though! ) Cheer's...Graham... PS: have a look at the landing this AirBerlin 737 makes at Zurich, I'm sure he scraped the paint off his tail
  16. Well if you hold it in Toronto Canada, I'll be able to come as well . Cheer's...Graham...
  17. Good photo's Guy and Gals . Looks like you all had a lot of fun, I used to live just down the road from Weston when I was in the UK, fish and chips on the Sea Front anyone??? . Cheer's...Graham...
  18. Darn it! he's going to make me buy an i7 system now! Good luck setting it all up tonight, BTW: we want to see the screen shots . Cheer's...Graham...
  19. Very cool shots again, Are you useing an add on mesh to get the mountains looking so good? Cheer's...Graham...
  20. I like the rocks beside the runway, very cool bit of detail, me thinks Cheer's...Graham...
  21. So when's SAD going to be up and running again, m8y???. .
  22. Good comeback, what plane are you going to take a loan out for next? Good luck with the party, you'll need it if mad Mikes pooper troopers drop by . Cheer's...Graham...
  23. Good update, hope you get the 210 landings sorted out soon, the 182 is a bit like that too . Cheer's...Graham...
  24. Good job again Jim . Cheer's...Graham...
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