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Everything posted by PanzerFodder

  1. In the same boat as you Brett, did not have a thing to wear to the party I'm afraid . Good luck all Cheer's...Graham...
  2. He's the one with the red hair and leather flying helmet . BOT: Huey X does indeed seem to load ok on the heli pad, so it seems the BO-105 has a bug in it, or maybe it just got confused "LOL" I'm not even going to bother to try to sort this lot out! Cheer's...Graham...
  3. Why not buy all three? then you will have one heli for each one of my needles lighthouses LOL Not sure whats going on here! must be a bit of a scenery clash between JF real, UTX Europe and the GenX lighthouse, but at least if you miss the first landing pad! you have another two to try for "LOL" Not sure what Dai will make of all this when he see's it Cheer's...Graham...
  4. Not trying to push you into a corner, but if your going to get another heli, GO FOR THE HUEY or even the Cerra Bell 222 thats not on sale ATM but everyone seems to rate these just under the Dodo-sim 206 but that one is over $60 CND for me in Canada . I was chatting with Sabre last night about getting another heli, and I was sure that I wanted the Cerra Bell most, but I never could resist a good sale so got the huey instead "LOL" . Think I let you see this vid of the Cerra Bell 222 before, but have another look just incase you forgot about it . And another of the B222 that I just fo
  5. Nope your thinking of the other one . I was in the ND BO-105 at the time so not sure if it was that or not, but I just got the Huey X, I'll give it a try in that one later to see if that heli loads on the pad instead of on the rocks, will also try to install the needles lighthouse scenery again if I can ever find it again "LOL" . Cheer's...Graham...
  6. Hello Joe . Can't really say its easy to land (for me, that is!), as I still get the crash screen a lot (but then again I was trying to land on a road in deepest Cornwall at the time, I would think that people with a lot of heli hours under their belts should be able to put this bird down on a sixpence ). I also have the ND BO-105 which is a nice looking heli, but the Aerosoft Huey knocks the spots off it in all aspects, the Huey is a lot easier to fly low and level, and it's very smooth running, which is perfect for looking at your scenery. The cockpit looks so good you would think it ha
  7. Thanks for that Dai. Just tried loading a flight from the needles lighthouse, very sad though because as soon as the flight loads, I get the crash screen and I'm on the rocks below the light house . I think that the needles lighthouse scenery was made for GenX, and I have justflights real scenery so that may be the problem? Cheer's...Graham...
  8. Pull your goggles down, and try to stay off the booze before flying Cheer's...Graham...
  9. Stunning Cheer's...Graham...
  10. With the wife safely sleeping, I decided to take advantage of Aerosoft's sale of Huey X . My first impresions are very positive with this heli add-on, frame rates are very smooth for a aircraft that has such a detailed cockpit, I have my frames locked at 30 FPS and the new heli is right up there is the very hight 20's all of the time, also the sound pack that come's with it is superb (even Sabre would enjoy this one ). I'm useing Justflights UK photo scenery, the airfield in the first shot is RNAS Culdrose in Cornwall. Cheer's...Graham...
  11. Nice shots Sam . Glad to have you back . Cheer's...Graham...
  12. Very nice as always The B17 shot nearly caused me to spend $60 at the A2A shop , (but my wife had other ideas about what I should spend it on ) Cheer's...Graham...
  13. comparing the two, mmmmm, tricky... Warbirdsim has all the different models, with all their subtle differences completely 100% correct, and they look truly fantastic. A2A has just one model, well OK, also the Iwo version with all the antennae, but the depth of the systems is far superior to the WBS version. Also, it does not look bad at all, though there are some errors in the external model. Not quite what you'd expect from A2A, but there nonetheless. So the choice is yours really. You don't care that much about overheating the oil, or passing out do to a defective oxygen system? Go for W
  14. One of my AH AI Pilots did it in an Embraer 175 last week . Nice video Dai When your in the copper, do you have crashes switched off? just asking because even if I make a nice smooth and slow touch down in the MBB 105 I get the aircraft crash screen . Not much of a rotorhead myself so I don't have a clue about this stuff . Cheer's...Graham...
  15. Oh, go on then! give us a couple of screen shots . Cheer's...Graham... PS: and No! I am not thinking about buying it too
  16. Nice shots Joe We have a TV show over here called "Dust Up" don't know if you can get it in the UK, but have a look at the trailer anyway . (Be warned that these guys fly silly low, even flying under the powerlines that cross some of the fields) Cheer's...Graham...
  17. Fathers Day has come and gone! so did you get it or not??? . Cheer's...Graham...
  18. Good Review Jess Another one for my shopping list, (when they have another sale ). Cheer's...Graham...
  19. Looking even better JK. so now that you have had some time in the new A2A P5, what are you first thoughts about it and how does it compare to the Warbird sim "D" mustangs??? Just asking as I have just seen the WBS "Twilight Tear" http://www.warbirdsim.com/ which is a plane I would like to have in my hanger, do you have any plans to paint this one on the A2A model? Cheer's...Graham...
  20. Looks like another one of Mad Mikes little tricks, take my advice and stay away from him! he'll throw a spanner in your works at the first opportunity he gets. BTW: Welcome to the world of airhauler, come on over to Rotterdam sometime if your ever looking for some fun and games . Cheer's...Sir mr PanzerFodder Sir...
  21. Cor! nice job, well done JK (Sabre will be drooling all over that one, I bet he's already at the A2A site wondering if he should press the "add to cart" button ). Cheer's...Graham...
  22. Oh! go on, you know that you want it really, you was talking about this one for months before it was released . BOT: Very nice paint job JK, looking forward to seeing what others you come up, would be nice to see some of the WBS P51 skins ported over to the new A2A plane . Cheer's...Graham... PS: Bet that Sabre adds this one to his hanger by the end of this weekend , (don't tell your wife ) .
  23. He's taken the bait "!!!FISH ON!!!" Here's the link for the Monarch Airlines Airbus A330-243 G-SMAN (O/C) http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=mcp_mon_wilcoa332.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search you can get the rest of them by following the link at youtube, looks like a guy has managed to save a few of the freeware McPhat repaints that were lost when the avsim site got hacked a while ago Cheer's...Graham...
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