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Everything posted by Wyatt

  1. Hello All, I need some help with the default CRJ700 in FSX's autopilot. Ever since I've gotten FSX, I've been able to turn it on, but the problem is that it won't turn off! I learned that when I got a cleared visual, tried to turn off the AP, and my wind shield filled with a mountain side! Is their any way to fix this, or is it a glitch that exists in all Flight Simulator X? Thanks!
  2. Wyatt

    2D Panel vs VC

    2D, I find it easier to see the gauges. I only have a POV Hat Switch, so I imagine using a Trakr IR would make the VC easier to use.
  3. Lake Tahoe airport... I just finished an IFR and landed using the GPS 18 approach chart.
  4. Try the FSX Bonanza from Carenado http://www.carenado.com/CarSite/Portal/index.php I suggest the A36 because of its high speed for a light single. I also like it better than the V35 because I don't like V tails...
  5. Hello, I've been trying to get my second screen to show the cockpit in sequence with the other screen. I can't get it to work. Please help me!..
  6. I've been creating flights in MS Note Pad, but can figure out how to create missions... Do any of you know how?
  7. I've finished everything but the GPS. For some reason its not working. I've tried all that I can think of!
  8. I love flying IFRs especially the VOR approaches, but do you enter traffic pattern like you would on the 90o traffic pattern entry in a VFR approach?
  9. Check http://www.skyvector.com, RW not FS.
  10. I prefer aeronautical charts. You can buy some at http://www.mypilotstore.com/MyPilotStore/chart/ or you can get some free ones on the computer at http://skyvector.com/. SkyVector is a good way to plan a route. SkyVector also has airport information, airport diagrams, etc. Good way to do real world fuel planning and stuff. You can also get weather charts from http://www.yahoo.com/ , if you want to use weather maps. :wootmesalia:
  11. Thank you Mutley, what's a PMI?
  12. I've been playing with making my own panel, but some how the I messed up the Baron's VC! can someone please show me the original code for the default Barons cockpit?
  13. In the video they showed a raptor: a stealth aircraft!
  14. I decided that I'll just use the Baron 58's panel, Wyatt.
  15. I don't really know anything about repainting.
  16. Hmmm.... I've seen custom panels for many aircraft, maybe I'll try that, thanks!
  17. Hello, I downloaded my Carenado Skymaster, but the 2d panel does NOT show. PLEASE HELP, I AM VERY URGENT!!!!
  18. Hello, I recently downloaded the Carenado C337. Can you show me how to use gimp to repaint it?
  19. Thank you, Joe, but a lot better? I used one of the supplied liveries as an example, but with different colours, registration and an added 'Beechcraft' marking. This was to see how I could paint it, as there's no paintkit. There is an all-white texture however that I used as a base. Not perfect, but workable. Jankees, your crazy! That's a great paint job! You're to skeptical of your self!
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