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BA's A380 at Manston

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Just a few pic's of A380 at my local airport Manston in Kent.She has been taking off every day except Sundays at about 7.00am and back by midday, then takes off about 2.00pm and back to Manston between  5.30pm - 7.00pm mainly using runway 10. She has been flying around mid France and down to Toulouse then back to UK flying over Dover before landing at Manston. She is due to leave on monday 29th July, when BA's  B787 is coming to Manston, I think she will be doing the same flight plan.14718201-f9b7-4fe2-a714-09e1ad213a94_zpsba2ef925-e357-4b05-ba73-c5cccce85fa4_zps247_zps9007c949.jpg244_zps7c2bb998.jpg239_zps0532d2d2.jpg2542_zpsacbe6d94.jpg[img=243_zpsdab479d9.jpg2552_zpsb53370a6.jpg

Flying past my house at about 2000ft. heading for runway 10 with about 10 miles to go. So quiet.

Red 10 and 11 flew in as did the A380 on monday 15th July and in the afternoon Red 10 and A380 flew off over the channel heading for Dover to do a photo shoot.

Will post more pic's later and let you know more about the B787 when I know anything more.

Cheers Mike

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Thanks for the pic's, nice to see it in it's natural habitat. :thum: Although I like the paint job I must be the only person that does not find this airplane to be that good looking. This opinion does not include the planes internals and advances, only it's overall lines.  

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The Whale...  I'm pretty ambivalent about the looks and have serious doubts whether it will ever be a commercial success, but I certainly do recognize and admire the technical advances it represents. Somebody has to take some commercial risks - it's how industries advance, even if those advances sometimes cost the developers money.


Reaching the break-even point for sales must be pretty far out toward the end of the decade now.  Airbus last projection for that was for it to happen sometime in 2016.  I believe that announcement was made before the discovery of the Type I and Type II wing rib cracks.


I sincerely hope there's never a major accident with one, given the large number of people they carry.



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