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FTX Global part 2

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Following on from Britfrog request for more FTXG shots.  The following are all straight FTXG:


Leaving Bellingham PNW:




California Mojave heading south:




Eastern Mexico:




Chile and the Andes:




Gibraltar Straits, North Africa on the right:




Spain, Reus and Tarragona:




Palma de Mallorca:




So the answer is FTXG is a far superior eye-candy look over the original FSX textures..

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Thanks for that James it confirms what I am seeing here whilst the textures are a huge improvement generally over the default there are a few that dont work out but i guess that is only to be expected I suppose we wont be fully satisfied until we get the whole world covered in phoptoscenery and we are all using 100ghz p.c,s

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Those screenshots are a classic example of why I don't fly around the globe. The FTXG textures may be an improvement compared to default, but that scenery still looks very bland and boring to me. Of course, I know that it isn't possible to do much better at the moment when you are trying to cover the entire globe with a single product, which is why I decided a long time ago to stick to one relatively small geographical area (the British Isles), and attempt to add as much detail as possible. I used Flight Unlimited 3 (plus the FU2 San Francisco scenery) prior to FSX, so the entire British Isles is actually a major increase in "flight environment size" (and number of airports and airfields) when compared to that!

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Is there any chance you could do a shot of:




Somewhere in Sudan but by the Nile

The Andes

North Norway

The Congo


Thanks if you can. For me, FTXG would be about exploring places that are too repulsive in default scenery, too remote for payware or freeware to cover it, and that aren't America or Europe!

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