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Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii?

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Hello everyone, well me and my friend at school have been arguing which is better the Xbox 360 or PS3? *Note* I included the Wii in the title as I didn't want to offend any Wii users out there :roll: *Note*

Anyways I say the Xbox 360 is much better :gamer: and my friend says PS3 :yes: , so what do you guys think?

I would also like to add that I was a big fan of the playstation, having owned the PS1 and PS2, but when the PS3 was released it never caught my attention, I let both the PS3 and Xbox 360 sit on the selves before deciding which one to get and I decided to get the Xbox 360 because of the price and I fancied a change from the playstation series, and I haven't been disapointed.

I look foward to your replies


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I would certainly give my vote to the PS3!

I think that the PS3 is technically a better machine in terms of the hardware specs which means in the coming years the devs will be able to squeeze that bit extra out of the PS3. At the moment things are pretty even between them in terms of the games available for both systems but it always takes a couple of years for devs to start pushing the boundaries of what the machines are capable of.

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The wife got me a 360 for christmas. I played it a while but its been about 3 weeks since i had it out. 360 is the inferior in terms of power but the 360 has a huge following of developers and a great many titles compared to the PS3. If enough quality titles appear for the PS3 with graphics that shame the 360 it will have a good run i reckon. To be honest i think GTA IV is the only title i'm looking forward to seeing and i'm not even sure if there is any difference between the two versions.


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Let me offer a bit of historical perspective here...(it's what old guys do!)

Most people familiar with the technological differences agreed that the Sony Betamax format of video tape machines were technically superior to their VHS counterparts in every way. The public voted (with their purchases) and Sony lost. It was quite clear that Sony was losing market share for quite a long time before the format disappeared entirely from store shelves.

It isn't always the most technically superior product that wins in the marketplace. Fighting back from a distant second place is often too much of an uphill battle to be winnable.

When choosing a device that uses "software" in a specific format, go to the stores that sell said software. Buy the machine whose software has the most shelf space. Being on a software "island" is a lonely place to be and the technical superiority of the losing format is cold comfort.

NOTE: I have no favorites in the game machine race nor in the now-moot tape format issue.

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