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Dassault Mirage 5

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Great shots Steve, she sure looks heavy.

Did you have to edit the reg in the formation shots?

As for posting too much you can never do that Steve, I will try to post more but the web site and forum admin is taking all my spare time at the moment. I don't get enough time to fly let alone take shots cry-1.gif I will try harder!


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You do a great job with the site Joe and working as well generally leaves little personal time in anyones life.

Thanks for looking the shots over guys and yes i had to edit the reg. Very nice freeware imo.


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Hey Panos. Don't worry your not missing much. As others can see them i'm not sure whats wrong, i have not changed anything at my end since i posted.


P.S. Doh 2 just disappeared. Still showing ok at Screenshot world so still not sure what the problem is. Your still not missing much though :mrhappy:

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Hehe Joe, pretty much explains it :mrhappy:

Glad you got to see them Panos. The model is freeware by Eduardo Fadul with a skin by somone else. Take a look over at http://WWW.mirage4fs.com This model is the F5 but the F1 is also very good. Both come with multiple loadouts and nice animations. There are some other mirage aircraft there but i have not had a proper look at them yet.


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