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Weather Warning.

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According to the met office we're in for a massive storm tonight. Guess we'd better check it out. This aircraft is just the job for it. Lockheed WP-3D Orion. 








Thanks for viewing....and don't get blown away!!


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Its dark early, but that's the hour change


Very calm outside now.......  But is that the calm before the storm!!!????


Or have the weather boys just cocked up again?

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That was a Fish F up wasn't it!


I went to the pub that evening with a mate, all was good when we walked there, on the way back it was more than a bit windy. We had to pass some large trees between the river Mole and the road that were doing a merry dance as we passed.

The following morning we both had to pass them again to get our train to London and work. Every single tree was on the road snapped clean through at about ten feet in height. I have never seen the like of it before or since, it was if a giant scythe had cut through them all in one sweep.  I wish camera phones had been invented back then as it would have made a great picture.  No, I didn't get to work that day, or the next.

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Light tree debris only in Guildford this morning. Took the wife to the station, no trouble getting there but no trains until just before midday. 


I guess it has largely passed over me, but from the reports elsewhere are different.

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I was in London at the time that the October 1987 storm hit. It was easily the most powerful storm that I have ever witnessed. I remember lying in bed with the wind howling like crazy outside, and the windows rattling. Then everything suddenly went very quiet. I looked out of the window, and saw a mainly clear sky with the Moon shining brightly. A couple of very wispy clouds floated lazily past it. I went back to bed, and shortly after that the fierce winds returned. The eye of the storm must have passed right over the top of us.


Next day we went for a drive to see the devastation. Huge trees just blown flat everywhere, with very thick branches snapped in two, and debris scattered all over the place. Certainly a night I will never forget.

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Reckon it was all just an excuse for people to say that they weren't going to work because the news channels had told them to not travel unless absolutely necessary..  Total poppyc*ck! OK, I've got 4 fence panels down in my garden and most of the apples on my apple tree are now scattered around the cul de sac, but it was a bit of a non event

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Ps. love the P3 Orion Pics Dodgy-Alan.. also noticed the Nimrods in the background. Always had a soft spot for the Nimrod given its links to the Comet.  Do you fly a freeware Nimrod or are they AI eye candy?

Thanks, I do indeed have Nimrods in sim hangar, several different versions in fact. The ones in the picture are part of the RAF St Mawgan scenery. If you look carefully there are some Canberras and a couple of Jaguars as well. On the far side of the airport at Newquay Airport terminal is a HP Herald parked up.

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