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Quality Wings 757-200...

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Well heres what ive been doing during half term..

Just a few edits of the 757 at FlyTampas TNCM.

I didnt install the scenery again after my reinstall of FSX initially as of the frames hit, but this time, no FPS hit :yes:

Anyway here are the shots:-

a) Taxiing onto the active... Cargo ship in the background...


B) Up, Up and Away!


c) Landing, kicking up some sand..


d) From the Bar :stars:


e) Taking off..


f) Lucky Passer-by got this one..


g) Another Taking off...


h) Hot, Hot, Hot, runway!


i) I thought i was going to hit the fence!!!


Anyway thanks guys for viewing, comments appreciated!


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Hi Chris,

I enjoyed them, I know how long it takes to edit these things and you've made a great job.

The style is uniquely yours, very bright and colourful as I suppose it is in St Maarten carrib.gif

Well done no criticism from me :stars:


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Thanks for the comments :stars:

Steve, could you please adivse me on how to get good heat effects from the engine...

I struggle with it and could do with some advice...

Prime example is g)

Just a little explanation would be fantastic!

And the clouds are some random brushes from deviant art, just messing with them :yes:


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Hey Imagine.

You have the idea right you just need to tone it back a bit. The ripple effect you are using is too large for this kind of distortion and thus looks a little un realistic. Usually i choose the area for heat making sure only i only select distant objects. You don't see heat blur much on up close objects. Then with a small Ocean ripple/Glass add a small sized effect till i'm happy. If i want more i will reduce the selection and maybe increase the size a little but not too much. I often add Blur too and sometimes only blur as many aviation pictures i've seen you can barely see a ripple but blurring is evident.

I know its old now but in this section of the forum, Joe stickied a basic editing how too. About the 11th shot down is a little how to do heat blur and maybe worth a look. I hope ive improved since then but it may give you ideas. Take a look on Airliners.net and have a look how it looks in real life and then try to copy it, thats how i learnt :stars:

If you get stuck just yell...


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Right, ive had a play for a good hour now, and i dont seem to be getting anywhere.

I try to tone it down, and it just seems to be crazily overpowering.

I tried the glass effect and then motion blur on that, and several other things but i dont seem to be able to get it right.

I looked at the walk through, but that seems to be just for a little bit of ripple when taxiing...

I would love to be able to add effect to massive heat blast, like full power just after rotating..

So would you use glass tool, and motion blur on that, sorry but i really am out of my league :stars:


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hi Chris,

after you've done the blur (and any filter effect for that matter!) Try fading it out, luckily there's a tool already already part of PhotoShop to do it... so, first do your effect, then go to the EDIT menu, and select fade (effect name here)...., then move the slider back/forth until you're happy

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Imagine i think what your talking about is not recreating heat distortion but the actual thrust of the aircraft. Simply making your ripple large is going to make it look like water. Thrust, starts out as a very precise blast from the engine and gradually disperses. The result is quite often a very sharp blurred area sometimes a cone sometimes a straight blast but this is very dependant on the engine in question. The DC 10 for example has a very unique cone on its tail mounted engine. In this area of thrust i would use no ripple at all only blur with a very precise shape. After this would follow the dispersion which results in a more open heat distortion a little blurred with the ripple starting to appear. Again though i would only use a small ripple but for more heat distortion increase the size a little in a smaller area.

The best thing you can do is look at the real thing. Quite often the this heat distortion is over done in editing and looks nothing like its real life counterpart. Airliners.net then try to copy the effect on your pictures. Hope this helps a little...


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Right i looked at the 757s on airliners and saw that their was little ripple, more blurring than anything so i had a go at it again..

Not too much on anything else, just on the engine thrust..


I am more pleased than with the first edit, but it still looks a bit, well, unrealistic? :blush

Thanks guys, i do appreciate it!

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Your now heading in the right direction my friend. Looks so much better than two small streams following your engines :sad: Always remember the more distant the background the more distorted it looks through heat. In your latest edit i would of put a very slight ripple as the thrust disperses starting from the grass line above the runway catching the taxing aircraft and what looks like some greenhouses. The runway is far too close to look distorted.


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Right, i thought instead of starting a new topic for this edit i would just shove it in here instead, since it is this A/C..

I didnt spend much time on it although i did end up with about 8 layers :shock: !!!

I think it is better than the above posts, as it looks more real, anyway ill let you people be the judge...


Thanks for looking :yes:

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