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Answered here Steve. :)


The Germans still hold a grudge against us Americans so we have to wait on the end of the line. :P Only josh'in, it makes sense to grow connecting areas, from the first release, to complete large sections to fly through.

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Did you say something Chris, sorry I didn't here anything. :D


Gee wiz, we east coasters always get the short end of the stick with scenery. ;) Actually, I can se why. I live here and don't even fly here much.

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So I was thinking, the product is reasonable in price for an area (about 20.00 USD) but it will cost a small fortune to buy all the areas as they are currently being split up. I'm guessing more then ftx global base at 100 bucks. Can I assume this will be correct?

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Thank you for your support Steve

youve made the right choice imo

as for the 3D lights project

i am qouting myself from another form (thread was auto purged)


the US/EURO packs your referring to found on Simmarket are not my work!!!

please do not confuse or associate these with NE/NEX!

this developer have used a very small part of our technology we shared along time ago, without our permission!

we have contacted this individual; he remains in his position to publish these as his own work

he was banned from our circles and his work is not perceived as a threat or a competition to NE/NEX series

his work is not up to par with NE series, its very outdated!

as many changes were introduces to our libraries since he miss behaved

his libraries do not include our custom made Night Maps aka "Ground Splash",

or our 60Nm radius light library visibility, our Special colors and high performance models

FPS performance are not on the same level with NE/NEX

an impartial reviewer refereed to his work as a "Slide Show" inside the sim

please do not confuse or associate the above with Aerosoft's - Night Environment

Or Chris Bell Creative Design Studios - Night Environment Xtreme

both NE/NEX series are my work and comply to the same standards across the board

on a side note:

i am the creator, originator, and the force driving the 3D light and night environment development; from day one!

most of my work and research are well known and have been published in our development community

if anyone seconds my statement above; you are welcome to stand up and speak!

NE would not be possible if not for the help of many talented and bright members of our community, who are are still very much involved!

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Ok so I flew in NEUK out off London and I was blown away! It's as real as you can get imo, but I have ftx global and vector and all in all it has brought my processor to its knees. I am over clocked 4.4ghz and my frames went from solid 25 to .7-10 flying over London, is there a manual to read? I see the scenery is 3-2-1-0 and base. They all came checked after install so I would like to understand what each one does so I can adjust to something more reasonable.

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Thanks Chris I will wait for USA and just mess around in Europe for now lol. Your work is amazing just need to figure out the fps hit


Steve, just uncheck the others and set on level 2. London has a fps hit anyway but I've been flying out of UK 2000s' Heathrow in a Capt Sim 707 and getting iro 20 fps but I have no hefty scenery. Who needs scenery at night, apart from NE?


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I am really impressed by this video, a great advert for NE.


Personally I tend to only fly VFR but I can see I am going to have to try for my night rating now!



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Thank you Joe

it is very difficult to convey NE lights through 2D images or even through vid clips

i think Jeroen did a phenomenal work capturing the essence of Night Environment perfectly

im not tapping my own shoulder here

I honestly think this is one of the most dramatic changes a single addon introduced to flight sim

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