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Howdy Hangar Peeps!


I was happy to see that ORBx released Misha Cajic's KTVL...paypal, download, installed, hopped into FSX...oops, no buildings. Tip: remember to download latest patch for NCA and the latest ORBx object libraries (I took the time to download a few more updates I wasn't aware were available for other areas as well...installed all) hopped back into FSX...


Welcome to KTVL folks.


I'm taking a short tour starting with a taxi down the parking ramps. This is my new Flysimware ERCO Ercoupe...actualy the very first GA aircraft I ever flew in when I was around 12 years old, my neighbor's plane...but I digress).






A few folks doing some chores about the place.




Helis and emergency vehicle area.




A line of very nice hangars. Lots of nice details along the way, the edging, the textures of the concrete, propane tanks and gaurd poles, wild flowers and grass.



Down the south end ramp for take off



Looking back



Flying over a sizeable marina neighborhood  near the lake.



South Lake Tahoe city ahead, Harrahs casino on the right. I flew between the two but didn't think it prudent to post incriminating evidence here.



Landing with a bit of cross wind.



Clear of runway across from the main terminal...and my final destination....



My new favorite Air Hauler parking spot. :D



Cheers all, hoped you enjoyed the mini tour. Lucky for you all it is so late here in Real World... or I might have been chattier.


And Nice Job Misha! I'm going to enjoy the heck out of this airport.

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NOOOOOOO...I want to read the review Joe...just to make sure I made the right purchase...hahaha.


Thanks all. I popped over to the ORBx site around midnight when noticed that the airport was available...ended up going to bed at 3:30 am.


I also purchased ORBx's Lancair V...a VERY sweet bird but it was a bit wide in the wings to taxi down some of those ramps without taking out some of the bordering blue lights.


Note that this morning I noticed a "configuration" tool on my desktop for KTVL...It was on the default "Mid-level" settings...which means my shots are sparse compared to the field's full potential.


Thanks for looking.

See you up at the lake soon?



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