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Spectrum is Green!

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Angel Interceptor. A single seat strike aircraft with a top speed of around 3,000kts. Developed from the earlier Viper Jet built by International Engineering, the final blueprint was vastly different from the original design and was tailored to Cloudbase Requirements. Although compact it carries a massive electronic suite for Spectrum operations. Each aircraft took 9 months to build. For operational use they are clamped onto Cloudbases flight deck and can be launched in seconds. The design is unusual to say the least, The aircraft uses skids as opposed to wheels for it's undercarriage as these can be used on any surface, the aircrafts very low , almost vertical, landing speed means that wheels are not needed. For moving them around in the hangars a small trolley type device is attached to each unit. The nose canards were added when it was found that sudden engine engine power changes caused a pitching motion. the aircraft is twin engined but both engines exhaust through a common tail pipe. At very high speeds this becomes a Ramjet. It has an air bleed system for both high speed manouvering and also very low speed handling for landing. It has stol capabilities with an approach speed of less than 50 kts. The slots either side of the fin provide reverse thrust when slowing whilst the lower intakes provide extra air for the engines when reheat is needed. The armament consists of a main cannon which can be configured to fire normal ammunition but also with a rotating barrell can also fire heavier ordnance. either side of the nose are small batteries of missiles for both A2A and A2G operations. Other mission equipment is still classified and Spectrum refuse to give any further details. However due to the small size of the aircraft one would expect to find an air refuelling capability as well as various sensors for recconaisence roles. No hardpoints are noted but that doesn't mean they do not exist. This then is a very capable aircraft flown by the hottest female pilots ever seen! This then is the Angel...






















Many Thanks to the guys on Cloudbase for letting me test their toys! especially Colonel White who giuded me around the facility! Any comments or criticisms send to Captain Scarlet! :D

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Battlestar Galactica, here we come!!!


Very interesting looking craft. Where can this be downloaded Dodgy?

With speeds like that, and what must be a decent mission payload, it sounds like it might make a good AirHauler...LOL.


(Not joking...I use the XB70 Valkarie in one of my fleets...hehe.)

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Thanks guys, this is the link to it, it is for FSX 



The control surfaces DO NOT move sadly but you can certainly feel their effects when you operate them. med flap will give you a short take off, once flap and nose gear are retracted full throttle will take you up to over mach 3 if you let it! whem landing select flaps and air brake and the aircraft slows rapidly, you can get down to as low as 45mph! descent is fairly steady but you need to use the throttle to achieve a smooth touchdown. This model is buy no means perfect but it is fun to fly and great for getting somewhere fast! I toured the whole of the UK in less than 45 minutes last night! enjoy!! :D

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Holy CARP!!! ...I thought I had heard of most British Sci Fi TV shows, cuz I love most of them...but this one flew completely under my radar. What a Hooooot. I found some episodes, including 01, on YouTube and plan to watch as much as I can.

(wow...such a well done show!!! )


Thanks so much for the entertaining Tip Dodgy.


I'm also making a new Airhauler company on the Isle of Man...an easy company so I can sell the Learjet and lease an Angel based Startup:


Spectrum Tactical Logistics...look for screen shots soon :D




8/10/14 edit:

Wow...BEST puppet show evah!!! Like the state of the art of marionette special effects. The attention to detail is astounding.

Thankfully they all seem to be on Youtube...I am binge watching my way through the series...fortunately I was only planning on Air Hauling and watching inflight movies today. :D

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