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Screenshot competition - Touch down!

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This is going to be a screenshot competition voted for by you :mrhappy:

We have a prize, a much coveted "Who's The Daddy tee shirt" LARGE size in grey.

So we need to have a theme, and it is going to be "Touch down" landing shots of any aircraft.


Please, only minor editing for this, I will let you decide what that means as you will be voting for the winner

Entries will only be accepted against this post, only one (final) shot per entrant. The final shot on closing will be the one voted for by poll.

The shot can be changed as many times as you like until the end. If you don't know how to edit you post to enter a new shot I can do it for you.

The competition will end Friday May 17, this post will then be locked and I will create a new one with the final entries to be voted on.

I will enter but won't be the winner as I already have one :mrhappy:

Good luck!

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Ok, here's my shot, it doesn't count because a) it's over edited??? and :mrhappy: I don't qualify :mrhappy:

(I just wanted to join in! :blush )

Vulcan XH558 landing at Farnborough.



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Here's my submission:


A little off-center, but close enough for government work (and I think I was hauling mail on this one!).

This is my virtual cargo hauler's B1900C Freight variant, N190SA, painted by me. I was landing at KCRQ (McClellan-Palomar) in Southern California. The only editing I did to the capture was to blur the hangars in the background.

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Sorry for any confusion earlier...this is the same picture, the only difference being it is now within the 1000 pixel width limit.

Sorry that it is the second T7 but I hadn't seen Imagine's post...

here is an Emirates 777-300ER landing at the now defunkt Honk Kong Kai Tak. Only editing is a crop.


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Remember this, Amigos? Si, from ATWC Leg 64 - landing the B707-120 on two engines at Cerro Moreno (SCEL) muis difficile:


Eh! No Cohones - No Polones! :clap:

Asta la vista - your compadre - Gonzale Dias :dance2:

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:thum: Hello guys, Its been a while on here now but i am back, i saw this on Justflight so i said to myself why not give it ago, Here is a Touch Down shot that i did on a leg of my tour using the CitationX. The only thing i've done to this shot is Add boarders, My name, And a crop and thats it.


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