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Which Joystick?

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As I now fly military aircraft exclusively, I am thinking of selling my Saitek yoke and throttle quadrant set and my additional Saitek throttle quadrant.


To replace this I will be looking for a joystick and separate military style throttle. The throttle must be able to control 2 (or more) engines independantly.


It would be great if all you fellow Mutley's Hangers-ons could share your experience and recommendations with me.



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I've been many years in military sims  and always used Thrustmaster stuff (sold my Cougar when I stopped Falcon 4.0). Last one is the Warthog : http://www.thrustmaster.com/en_UK/products/hotas-warthog

Not cheap (350 Euros) but the best in town.


If you are in Saitek stuff, there is the X-55 Rhino :  http://www.saitek.com/x55/

Cheaper, around 200 Euros.


I'm now only flying props, mainly World War 1 aiplanes, so my Logitech Extreme 3D is enough with the Saitek quadrant for throttle, radiator and mixture.

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Thrustmaster Warthog if you are serious, and have deep pockets... The Saitek X-55 Rhino is the cheaper option, but there are considerable teething problems with the first generation/production of these sticks. The issue rate is a little higher than usual (at least for all the ones we have sold so far). The Warthog is pretty rock solid, both in weight and performance (and price!).

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im with my colleges above

Thrustmaster Warthog all the way

here's a little shocked review by me ^_^


(don’t get it in a retail store; you will pay twice as much

i bought mine at the store first; then found the distributer selling it online for half the price)

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im with my colleges above

Thrustmaster Warthog all the way

here's a little shocked review by me ^_^


(don’t get it in a retail store; you will pay twice as much

i bought mine at the store first; then found the distributer selling it online for half the price)


I'm curious as to which distributor is selling it online at half price? Seems odd. Many proper distributors don't sell to the general public at all, hence why they are called distributors and not retailers...

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hi Dean

bought it originally at fry's (walk in) here in the U.S.

(major retail electronics store chain between CA <-> TX)

(price shown doesn’t include sales tax 9%)


i was trying to locate original link to the store i picked it up from ;couldn’t trace it

i found this store instead; with very close pricing to what i paid

(no tax, no shipping)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the advice guys.  It looks like the Thrustmaster Warthog will be the one I will aim for. 


On e question I have with it is:


I understand that its base is detachable. Because of this it is possible to mount it onto a column.  I would like to understand more about this connection so that I can design a column for it.


Chris any chance of some pictures of this aspect of the Joystick?  and perhaps some words with how it mounts and dimensions etc.?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Having seen some joysticks at the Cosford show i have made my choice.


Much as I would like the Thrustmaster Warthog, I cant justify the cost, especially as the Saitek X55 is about half the price.


The way I see it is that if I knacker the X55, I can still replace it and still have only spent a little over the price of the Thrustmaster.


So I bought the X55 at the show, but her indoors says I cant have my new toy until Christmas  :mellow:  Bugger. Oh well she who wares the trousers :th_blush:  in our house must be obeyed. :unsure:





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......So I bought the X55 at the show, but her indoors says I cant have my new toy until Christmas  :mellow:  Bugger. Oh well she who wares the trousers :th_blush:  in our house must be obeyed. :unsure:


I hate when they do that. :rofl: Bet it looks really good sitting there in the box. :P


Good choice, it's a nice looking rig and have heard great things about it. Enjoy (well, you know, when you get it) ;)

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......So I bought the X55 at the show, but her indoors says I cant have my new toy until Christmas  :mellow:  Bugger. Oh well she who wares the trousers :th_blush:  in our house must be obeyed. :unsure:


I hate when they do that. :rofl: Bet it looks really good sitting there in the box. :P


Good choice, it's a nice looking rig and have heard great things about it. Enjoy (well, you know, when you get it) ;)



It's a sad day when a wife forbids her husband the use of his joystick. <_<:huh:


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It's a sad day when a wife forbids her husband the use of his joystick. <_<:huh:




Oh I don't know, She has her hands on it now.  Surely that must be better than me playng with it myself

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John, I'm really feeling for you here as it's over two months until Xmas and you'll need the patience of a saint to wait until then to get your mits on said joystick.


Allow me, and other Forum members if they wish, to suggest ways of coercing said wife into releasing the stick prior to Christmas.


1. Mope around the house with a long face. :(


2. Refuse any request from you wife with the reply. 'Wait until Christmas.'


That's just a couple off the top of my head. Anyone else have any ideas? :)

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Thanks Geoff for your kind words.

Alas I fear that point 1 would do no good at all. Water off a ducks back as they say.

As for point 2, much as I appreciate your sentiments, I must ask you if you wish me harm?

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