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I love a great discount. 800XP from JF sale...tyvm.

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It's one of those things I might not have picked up unless it was on sale because so many things overlap it's cargo and speed range, but...for 8 dollars, no brainer, into the hangar with you.

Oh...Just Flight reward points!!!...ended up costing $3.95 USD. Hehe.



Typical awesome JF dashboard...most of it is functional...and it all looks great.



With speed brakes and barn door flaps, this thing easilly comes down from a 402 kt cruise down to nice and slow for approaches.

After removing seats and gimping the fuel tanks I can haul 11,000lbs for a short hop (me), or 8000lbs at full tanks (AI)...a decent money maker for a $675,000 lease.



Thanks Just Flight for letting things like this out for such great discounts occasionally. I tend to jump on every one so far that I spot in time. :D

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I have been exploring this thing's potential a bit more. Man...what a great plane. It is almost STOL (Call it SL...cuz the Take Off isn't exactly short. It's not lethargic by any means, but a Caribou kicks it's STOass) thanks to it's combination of Huge flaps, a very effective speed brake, and a thrust reverser that goes to -70% Thrust. :stars::thum:

I have to hit pause immediately upon touch down to pull it off because the view switching don't easily let me keep an eye on the runway while looking down to grab the levers (I need to make keystroke shortcuts for the TR and SB...or learn them)..., but it goes: Main wheels down, let nose start to droop, step on brakes, Pause, Full Speed Brake, Full Reverse, set view back up, UnPause, nose wheel touches down, and about 3 seconds later move the throttle lever forward because you are nearly stopped. Dayum. And that short stop after screaming to the field at 400 kts at 10,000 ft,  yet being able to slow down within 8 miles and still lose the 10,000 altitude.


Its going to be my new Reputation hauler in AH for a while. With my mixed fleets I can usually throw 2-3 cargos on per trip.


Freaking best $3.95 I ever spent. :thum::cool:

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