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Is anyone using a scenery config editor?

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Thanks for your answers.

I tried the scenery config editor, but no way... I have some ORBX things installed (global/vector/LC and a region) 

It looks like ORBX "steels" your scenery.cfg and makes it useless. Maybe because they activate and deactivate parts of the scenery config depending on which part you choose in the FTX central.

In the cfg, there´s only the scenery that was installed before ORBX and the scenery config editor opened with the 125 original scenery entries, all with errors..... P3D works very well.


ORBX is very pretty... BUT there are aspects about the programs that I dont like at all... Its a very inquisitive idea and the fact that it comes without an uninstaller is completely far out and all ORBX scenery reviews should mention that and the product given 2 - 3 points less. Its the only way to make them realise that its a lack of respect not to include an uninstaller. Even some FS9 freware scenerys include uninstallers.


It looks like I have to live with the ingame menus, which I´m not very happy with. 

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I make do with manually checking and unchecking the various entries in my Scenery Menu, but then I only have the UK and Ireland to worry about. Someone mentioned elsewhere that you should only switch FTX scenery on and off by using the FTX Central utility, but I have been doing it manually for a while. Admittedly I only have one region to worry about (FTX Northern Ireland), but it doesn't seem to have caused any problems with the various UK FTX airfields. I prefer to do it this way because FTX Central activates and deactivates everything in a single region, and also automatically slams all of the Scenery Menu entries to the top of the list. Not a very clever idea if you need other scenery packages to be above them.

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Jaydor: Thanks for the link. I have downloaded and I will read and maybe install later, when my head is ready for that. I need to be in the right mood for these things. (and besides, English is my 3rd language so I get a bit more tired in the old bubble :wacko2: )


I have had a first look at the readme file and it looks like its what I want, but I´m not sure about a couple of things: First, my prepar3d.cfg only has the default 125 entries. What I have installed after is not there. We talk about orbx-global/vector/LC, an Orbx region and a Danish FSX scenery package and 3 -4 Danish fsx airports above the Global package. But its not in the P3Dv2.cfg. Only default. Thats what worries me and I try to find out what is happening before installing some tool that tweaks important cfg. files.

Do you have any ORBX sceneries installed?


Christopher, Why do you have to switch between UK and N-irl?  It shouldnt be nescessary. They are both in the same region. Does it have to do with extra scenery you have installed and want to have above the orbx regions? 

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Christopher, Why do you have to switch between UK and N-irl?  It shouldnt be nescessary. They are both in the same region. Does it have to do with extra scenery you have installed and want to have above the orbx regions?


I could easily have both regions active, but I usually deactivate FTX Northern Ireland when I don't need it for a particular flight. I was under the impression that it saves VAS, although recent reports have indicated that it is only photoscenery that causes this problem. To be honest, I am not convinced about that. I have suffered plenty of OOMs in the past, and personal experience seems to indicate that having everything active at the same time causes more problems. I may be wrong, but that's what hundreds of test flights around the UK have suggested.


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Thanks for your screenshot. It explains more than words.

I think this tweakfs config editor works with Prepar3d. I installed it and it doesnt work on my machine. It automatiaclly looks for your FSX scenery.cfg (which I dont have) and I cant see that it has a posibility where you can point it towards the P3d scenery.cfg file. 

¿You are using fsx? no?

Anyways, both of my scenery.cfg files (the one in the root dir and the one in the users/x/x/x/ prepard3dv2 dir) only have the 125 default scenery entries.


For now, I give up and live with the program as it is. It funcions without problems, so let it be. I have learnt that fiddling with problems really make me fly less and thus be less happy.. :)

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Thanks for the info. Now I found the correct scenery config file. pretty confusing with scenery cfg. files in 3 or more places...... And google is full of confusing info as usual.

I installed the scenery config editor and pointed to the correct file and....... 152 out 162 entries has errors. Only the ones that I had installed manually were correct.

The sim funcions flawless. Absolutely no problems...

I can manually point all the 152 entries to the correct places but I will get square eyes and I end up loosing my energy for flying. I will probably do so slowly. I like the idea of controling the scenery cfg. file. I´m used to that and in FS9 I never had scenery conflicts after I started using the editor. And besides it does that I dont have to load a flight in order to add an entry.

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