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Jersey, my amateurish attempt

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Having been helped and encouraged by Kevin who has a Jersey project on hold, and then seeing his excellent rendition (albeit unfinished) it started me thinking as well .

However it was Christopher Low's posting that fired me up, as I also have all the ES islands and would have liked them to complete the set , so to speak.

so I set myself 2 hours to see what i could accomplish with fset.


Now I will be the first person to say this is in no way up to ES standards but combined with the uk 2000 airport it makes Jersey a much nicer place to visit until something better comes along


I hope that you like the following pics

















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In 2 hours you produce photo scenery up to the standard of the original Horizon Gen-X? Shee-yit, Nigel - you're a bl**dy genius, Mate!

O.K. - another 2 hours to upload to Mutleys! Please?!? :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:

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Nothing wrong with that Nigel. Excellent work.



This scenery of Jersey was also made with FSET set at 0.5M per PIX and flying at 500 to 700 feet above ground. To my knowledge the images I used are last years courtesy of Virtual Earth.



Select 720 HD to view on YT



FSET the best FREE software and a BIG THANK YOU to ALL those who gave their time and effort in making what I think is an incredible scenery maker.

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Brilliant shots Nigel, how recent is the source data?


good question, well presented Joe, i havent got a clue. i will change hard drives and try and find out.

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joe, in a word I dont know they were taken from virtual earth (bing?) if I had used google then i could have had a date but i cant see how in VE, however i would think they are less than 2-3 years oldmaybe someone else out there can correct me?

sadly the images in google were awful.

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joe, in a word I dont know they were taken from virtual earth (bing?) if I had used google then i could have had a date but i cant see how in VE, however i would think they are less than 2-3 years oldmaybe someone else out there can correct me?

sadly the images in google were awful.

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I know a fellow pilot who lives and works on the island and with the aid of FSET and Skype helped him to make photo real scenery of his home. He told me after completing the scenery it was so good he could pick out his workshop near the end of the runway and confirmed the images are current.


Cheers, M

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In 2 hours you produce photo scenery up to the standard of the original Horizon Gen-X? Shee-yit, Nigel - you're a bl**dy genius, Mate!

O.K. - another 2 hours to upload to Mutleys! Please?!? :thum:

Cheers - Dai. :old-git:

I'll second that..

The results from a couple of hours are stunning! You are one hugely talented guy :thum:

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Thanks Steph but I cant take any credit , as the software makes it so easy , it is childs play but very addictive and compulsive, more so than actually flying in FSX how's that for a shock?

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so... no SbulderX for you anymore?

the shoots do look fantastic, but....
Kevin wouldn’t have bought this from you, he doesn’t like PR without water :P

your next challenge should be to work the water region mask
it’s not too difficult; you still need to work your border file pretty good to get good results

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as you know Chris the more you learn the more you realise you didnt know, i only took the water mask out to about a mile then didnt blend it in because I wanted to see what could be done in a set timescale, and also I have no intention of trying to steal Kevins thunder, he has far more experience than I,


As for s builder? well it does create exclusions much easier than FSET but the program is too flakey it has some good points and potential but currently Fset is the kiddy.


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