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Fly Tampa Copenhagen

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Looks good James. Have you got Fly Tampa's Kai Tak VHHX? You get an impressive Hong Kong and a challenging approach.


Not vlying that far none stop yet.  I was in Hong Kong for 3 years and did not realize in them day's how dangerous the airport was.

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I just do circuits and bumps there James, and bumps being the operative word. There's some good vids on utube of crosswind landings at Kai Tak.


What aircraft are you vlying I am PMDG trio..  (I know, snob!!)  :fool:




I mean I am trying to vly them.  Grey matter is taxed learning the 777 EFB PFPX and uncle Tom Cobblee as well..  :stars:

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James, I prefer vlying 'old school' tube-o-seats without FMCs. So, if you interested, these are the tubes in my hangar; Captain Sim, 707, 727, 737-200, 757, 767, 777, L1011 the Ifly 737NG and the Majestic Q400. Now I know the later Boeings have FMCs. But they're probably useless at Kai Tak as the autopilot was turned off and hand flown following the guide strobe lights round the dogleg which puts you right onto the runway. In the 707, 727 and 737-200 there is no autothrottle adding to the challenge. When I nail it I have the biggest smile on my face, then I take off again and c*ckup the next landing. Having landed there RW a few times I can assure you that even a pax it's exciting. I'd go as far as to say, if you get only one airport add on Fly Tampa's Kai Tak is the one.


As I said, take a look at some RW utube clips.


What a rush! :D

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Erm.. gutted there are no more shots of the scenery James  :cray:


More please!

One of the best on the market:









Traffic and trains are moving on the bridge and into tunnels..

Aerosoft My Traffic 2013 for air movements..

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