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My all new look FSX!

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> "And here I thought this was going to be a simple weekend...."


<grin>  Yeah, I know the feeling well: funny how flight simming can spring those surprises on you...    :P



One final suggestion: when using a search engine on this topic I'd recommend filtering out any search results that are more than a year old, since they may well have been superseded by The Fixer and subsequent events, so that they're now irrelevant.....


(Just my 2ȼ, Caveat Emptor, YMMV, etc etc).   ;)


Good luck,




Thanks for that Brian

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Hi all,   I have been wanting to try DX10 for ages so I have just got Steve's DX10 Fixer and Mogwaisoft's Shade today and spent most of the day tweaking, testing and tweaking some more. I have to sa

dx10 and rex rock the first one is FTX Southampton and no ctd's

Looks great, very atmospheric.  

Well, I've had this program for nearly 2 years and never had the time to install it, after re-downloading the latest (2.8) version from my FSS account and following Bruce's instruction and those of the manuals I am dumbstruck.  :wow:

I have been flying around my local area and the results are superb


A couple of shots..







I have never been able to keep circling this airport without an OOM and the sim is real smooth too.


I just recorded this snippet with FRAP's (we all know what a frame hog that is) and the sim kept its cool, I am a convert  :)




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Yep Boss...same here, I bought it last night, did the prelim "backups" and "pretests", and as all seemed fine, went ahead and installed the fixer, and then installed the libraries.


OMG...I flew the HELL out of the KSFO/San Francisco area in multiple aircraft in severe thunderstorms at late dusk with millions of Chris Bell's twinkling lights...again...MULTIPLE plane swaps throughout trying to get it to bust...no bad luck...it survived and kept soldiering on. Usually 3 0r 4 plane swaps for me result in exterior textures dissapearing with DX9.




Stayed up till 2am playing around with my Brand New Flight Simulator. :D


Steve, whoever you are...consider your self Bear Hugged.





FYI...i didn't have to spend very much time tweaking the settings. I enabled most of the "extra effects" just to stress it out, and there was no stress...worked fine. I am now slowly bumping up settings in SimStarter to see how much detail and detail distance I can get out of my machine.

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what did you think us DX10 advocates were doing blowing smoke up your a--es????


I cant believe the penny is finally dropping


Well done Joe,


better late than never , you will now start to understand why FSX with dx10 is better than the current version of P3D

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Absolutely beautiful pictures gentlemen. Seems DX10 is next on the list of things to do. I've read the review and the manual now so I feel ready to take the plunge. I'll be delighted if I can get my FSX looking anything like these pictures.

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Just one thing to clear up. I have done a lot of reading on this but I am still a little confused. Does this replace anything that I have or does it allow my system to use what I have with DX10...I just want to make sure I understand what it does... the pics and vids I have seen are really good but just want to find out how it improves on things like REX..ORBX.. etc.....


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When setting this up is there any benefit in allowing FSX to create a new config. file instead of tweaking the current one (which is backed up). I've been away such a long time I'm pretty sure there are changes in there, such as highmemfix, LOD_RADIUS and AffinityMask but I guess I can just add them back.

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Just one thing to clear up. I have done a lot of reading on this but I am still a little confused. Does this replace anything that I have or does it allow my system to use what I have with DX10...I just want to make sure I understand what it does... the pics and vids I have seen are really good but just want to find out how it improves on things like REX..ORBX.. etc.....


As we seem to be at approximately the same place reagrding changing to DX10 and only based on what I've read I'm working on the basis that because you can actually switch back to DX9 that it doesn't change anything in terms of replacing files it just brings the best out of FSX allowing the GPU to do more than the CPU.

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Yeah I also am guessing that...I have a setup that I like but I want to be sure that this will make it look even better in DX10...It does seem to be very positive posts I am reading as well as the reviews...

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When you install Steve's DX10 Fixer it makes the necessary *additions* to your fsx.cfg file that are needed, but it doesn't change anything else. The usual advice applies — back up your existing fsx.cfg, and then you can always go back to it if you need to.




> "...it just brings the best out of FSX allowing the GPU to do more than the CPU."


Yeah, well, something like that. If you take a look at my review http://www.mutleyshangar.com/reviews/bc/dx10/dx10.htm you'll find all sorts of stuff about what it does, how it does it, and how to install it.   ;)


(It was *meant* to be a review, but so many people have used it as a how-to manual that I don't fight it any more. But do get on board with the latest info from here, too:  http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCcQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nzfsim.org%2Findex.php%3Fdsp%3Ddload%26fname%3DDX10_HowTo.pdf&ei=UHpLVbnNOoHmsgHNgoGQBw&usg=AFQjCNH-taBPGz1ZR2cGrh3RCYHxsE7GrQ&bvm=bv.92765956,d.bGg ).   








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Thanks Brian. Indeed I've read your very good review a couple of times. I've bought and downloaded the "Fixer" (see I did read your review :) ) read the manual and this evening I'm hoping to explore the FSX world in DX10 - fingers crossed :thumbsup:  

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I seem to be occasionally getting my fsx.cfg confused. Between SimStarter, which has the ability to adjust the fsx.cfg, the DX10 control panel, and my own manual additions...I sometimes find myself popping into FSX and finding my displays set to too low a resolution. I'm not even sure which Profile/.cfg version is active sometimes. Adjusting the displays inside FSX fixes the blurries and gets all running smoothly again, but I wonder if I am getting the best out of my scenery if I don't know what my settings are. Some of the extreme detail settings are too high for the FSX sliders to handle. LOD for example only goes up to 4.5 in game, but I have it at 6.5 in the .cfg (I hope).


Should I Not mess about with the .cfg in Sim Starter?

Should I Not be messing with the .cfg manually?

Should I Not avoid reading Bruce's Entire review/manual...it is rather long... :P

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I seem to be occasionally getting my fsx.cfg confused. Between SimStarter, which has the ability to adjust the fsx.cfg, the DX10 control panel, and my own manual additions...I sometimes find myself popping into FSX and finding my displays set to too low a resolution. I'm not even sure which Profile/.cfg version is active sometimes. Adjusting the displays inside FSX fixes the blurries and gets all running smoothly again, but I wonder if I am getting the best out of my scenery if I don't know what my settings are. Some of the extreme detail settings are too high for the FSX sliders to handle. LOD for example only goes up to 4.5 in game, but I have it at 6.5 in the .cfg (I hope).


Should I Not mess about with the .cfg in Sim Starter?

Should I Not be messing with the .cfg manually?

Should I Not avoid reading Bruce's Entire review/manual...it is rather long... :P


From what I have read about Sim Starter, you can select different FSX.cfg files to customize your settings on a per profile basis. Unfortunately, DX10 Fixer will change your FSX.cfg also so when you use Sim Starter, you will be undoing the DX10 fixer changes if you select any other profile as there will be some DX10 specific settings in there after using the Fixer. Are you using Sim Starter to help improve performance, in the sim? If so after setting up DX10 Fixer, I doubt you will need them as performance should improve by using DX10 alone and with a good quality shader tool, you should ultimately end up like the above pics. If you read the manual for the fixer and also download and follow the latest DX10 how to guide (which is a must IMHO to get the best out of DX10 Fixer's patches), you will have yourself a nicely optimised FSX.cfg that should not have to be tweaked much in the future. :thum:

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I have been using SimStarter to do most of the adjustments. It's UI allows you to see the parts and pieces of the .cfg very well...and because it allows you to see what can be adjusted higher than Stock Sliders allow. Also I use it for it's livery manager...but that shouldn't effect the .cfg.


I guess I need to stick with Just One Profile? I have been switching between two profiles to test changes, which is probably what is, as you say, undoing the DX10 settings.

I have been into the DX10 Control Manager to play around with checking different effects/check boxes to see what if any affect they have...so ya...been borking things from the left and right I guess.



(fyi...despite my Borking things...FSX has kept running. :D So, DX10 fixer is still working despite me trying to break things  :thum:  )

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There is no substitute for a good read of the manual and also get the DX10 How to guide from Sim Outhouse (and it is linked earlier in this post :thum:). I won't pretend it's a quick job to do the tweaks in there but the extra time you spend with this documentation will pay dividends I can promise you.


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okay, downloaded it, itching to start but wont have time until saturday evening so 48 hrs of frustration.....

Nice, spend the time to follow the manual and dx10 guide and you should see some great results.

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Right downloaded...read everything ... installed it.. done nv inspector config and fsx settings.. i only have gtx650i 2gig card and i5 3570 cpu... however i love it.. flew from Marham to Odiham and ATC took me over Heathrow... great....use ftx global and vector with LCeu and fps only dropped to 17 but was nice n smooth which to me is the important bit.. i can even have shadows on now....thanks for the advice and the long way of setting up is worth the effort..


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Awesome shots! Would like to try DX10 with fixer too but I guess my GPU isn't big enough :(

The card you have supports DX11, however l think the GPU speed and memory bandwidth would let you down. In DX10 mode, all the graphics processing has to be done by the graphics card. You wouldn't need to spend a fortune to get a good enough card, I'm still using my GTX 560ti that I've had for a few years and get great results.


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Right downloaded...read everything ... installed it.. done nv inspector config and fsx settings.. i only have gtx650i 2gig card and i5 3570 cpu... however i love it.. flew from Marham to Odiham and ATC took me over Heathrow... great....use ftx global and vector with LCeu and fps only dropped to 17 but was nice n smooth which to me is the important bit.. i can even have shadows on now....thanks for the advice and the long way of setting up is worth the effort..


Glad to see you got sorted. The time you spent in configuration and testing was time well spent as you can see.


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