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Purchase Prepar3D?

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Just curious about peoples views on purchaisng Prepar3D at this current time. I've read various articles and like everything with Flight Sims opinions vary greatly. I undertsand there are "plans" for a 64 bit version but this seems a way off at present.


I'm pretty happy with my FSX setup especially with the DX10 fixer but just wondered if I'm missing out on Prepar3D?

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Hi Graeme,


Personally, if you have Steve's DX10 fixer working fine then stay with FSX for the time being, if P3D does make the leap to 64bit than look at it again.


I have P3D V2.5 and the cloud shadows are great, however, at the moment I am suffering more out of memory (OOM) errors with it than with FSX.


Other people will have different experiences so it is difficult to give you the definitive answer  :)

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just a note,

the OMM's youre currently suffering from are due to a third party addon; not P3D itself!


More than likely Chris, but I don't get the same with FSX with the same add-ons, and much more.

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I find exactly the opposite Joe, that P3D hardly ever OOMs but my old and now uninstalled FSX did a lot, even when in Dx10 mode with the fixer :(

It is all down to the addons at the end of the day, the combination of which you run depend on the type of flying you want to do.

Personally I cant see any reason at all to go back to FSX, period.. :) K

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I have similar set ups for FSXSE and P3D, as in I have ORBX/REX/ASN/TRAFFIC 360 and aircraft that install to both. I recently got DX10 Fixer which made a difference, honestly though with similar settings the only difference I see is P3D seems on my machine to have deeper colours, if that makes sense. Remember though I only fly GA, my biggest AC is a B1900D by Caranado.


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Recently switched to P3D, after a long period of thought and deliberation. Couldn't be happier with my decision to switch - better fps, proper shadows and far fewer fatal errors. Don't see myself ever touching FSX again.

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I think, as Chris pointed out earlier, my problems could be caused by some 3rd party software, I really enjoy the extra immersion you get from the environment with P3D.


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Thanks for the replies gents. It's an interesting dilemma with having so many addons for FSX. If I understand things correctly addons like ORBX scenery, ASN and REX 4 work with Prepar3d. My main reluctance with purchasing would be having to pay full price for the A2A aircraft I have in FSX. I'm a little surprised A2A don't have a discounted price for owners of FSX versions of their aircraft. Another $50 for the same aircraft is a little steep IMHO.

I've read various views on the version to purchase, Professional or Academic, I understand a lot of people just have the Academic version? Is that correct?

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i pay 120$ for the yearly subscription as a form of supporting LM dev team,

i will renew with the new year or new version release to continue supporting their work

the full lic is 199$

Yearly subscription - 120$

the next level is academic for 49$

(you will have a watermark in the right corner of your screen saying academic lic)

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 ..... My main reluctance with purchasing would be having to pay full price for the A2A aircraft I have in FSX. I'm a little surprised A2A don't have a discounted price for owners of FSX versions of their aircraft. Another $50 for the same aircraft is a little steep IMHO......



I have the understanding that A2A designs their aircraft for FSX only and their P3D pricing is really set according to LM's requirements. Minor changes are made to follow their folder and file setup for install. I could be wrong on that.


If you search through their site you will find threads that explain how to manually install some FSX A2A aircraft into P3D but this will make updates hard to do and you technically will not get support if you circumvent the proper sim.


They did for a short time give a special rate for customers to changeover but say they cannot do this on a regular basis for varied reasons(one is the many ongoing changes to P3D) and I for one understand this decision from a company standpoint.


They continue to say that they feel FSX is still the most viable sim on the market used by the largest amount of simmers. I think P3D and Xplane is used by only a small percentage(maybe 20%) of simmers at this time.


As far as which version of P3D to use I think the Academic version is fine if you do not plan on developing and such. I would gather a full license would pay for itself in four years of using the Academic version. One other thing to remember is that if they move on to a whole new version you will end up paying more in the future.



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