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WWII Spitfire beer bombs

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Great find, Steph — thank you.    ^_^


A fascinating article! I have to wonder, though, how the M.o.D. would react if someone turned a Typhoon into a "flying pub".   <sigh>


And no doubt Elf and Safety would have something to say, too....     :whis:





a.k.a. brian747

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Great story, I never would have thought they did that and it was a treat to see the pic's. :cool::thum: Amazing how clever the aviators and their mechanics were and I give a salute to the officer who started it all. :salute: 

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I can just see the faces of the PBI* as the barrels of beer burst open when hitting the ground at great sped. Or could this have lead to the invention of parachute retarded bomb?


*Poor bloody Infantry.

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I'm such a beer snob...I cringed when I read about them drinking gasoline tainted beer on the first runs before they figured out the cleaning/liners/parachute barrels/etc.

Kudos to the efforts though...everyone deserves a cold beer after a hard day of work...after a BLOODY HARD day of work, a Cold Keg would be MUCH appreciated dropping in.

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