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Bizarre Results.....

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As you may or may not know, today is crunch time, when all A-level students recieve their results.

I thought I'd share them with you as some are fantasic and some are downright disappointing!

English A (Full Marks)

Computing C

Biology D & E

Luckily I'm only in my first year of A-level so I can retake Biology, but English - I wasn't expecting Full Marks?!?!!

It sure is bizarre, the way marks can differ so much; so much so I'm going to get Biology remarked!

Mixed Feelings. :doh

Regards, Theo.

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Nice one, Theo. :thum: I believe Biology is a one of the much harder A levels, because my sister just got her A level results today, and one of her friends got into Oxford but then failed to get the results (AAA). She got AAB and the B was for biology. :???:

Congrats on the English mark though! :dance2: :wow:


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I got mine today as well!

Just AS levels.

I got a solid A in mathematics.

298/300 in geography, so a very solid A.

And a C in physics yet with one resit this could go up to a solid B.

So i am extremely happy overall!!!

Well done to everyone else!!

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