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Both of them are only considering how viral the photo might be.


Fake Bomber: Probably because he knows it will be the last anyone sees of his face for many many years outside of a jail cell or orange jump suit.

Dude: Because he is an idiot.

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Anyone can make a bomb vest from a money belt and some tubes of Smarties. It won't go bang though.....


The gun the nice Policeman has might go bang though. You have to be an idiot to do this, it could have ended very badly. 

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As Forrest Gump's mother supposedly observed, stupid is as stupid does, whatever that means.  It just seems an appropriate quote in this case.  Maybe dumb and dumber would be more to the point.


There is no intelligent life in that photo.  The guy with the "vest" should consider himself lucky to even be still drawing breath, though once he finds himself back in an Egyptian jail he may wish there had been an armed Sky Marshal on that flight he hijacked to put him out of his misery.


The only good thing about all this is that the pax and crew were not harmed.  Sometimes things don't end so well for them.



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