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First 100 Fffffflight.

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First look at Reno/Stead airport...a great place to trial new aircraft...very few things on the ground to kill should you kill your new plane...which in this case is gorgeous, and I hope she/we survive the flight. But I already knew it was lovely from J.G.s review (superb :thum: ), and the Jankees repaints ( :thum: ) that started me lusting for this model.

Thanks MilViz for the all inclusive sale, even on NEW STUFF (Cough Carenado ~Coff.) . :mellow:



Keeping in mind J.G.'s comments regarding Sabre Dancing at high angles of attack and low speeds (because I didn't start reading the manual until several minutes into the flight until I became concerned that the Slats weren't retracting [perfectly normal...they are automatic and once speed got well up they cleaned themselves up nicely] ) (boy can I digress parenthetically) I kept my angle of attack low and worked on building up speed...surprisingly slowly with half internal tanks and no weapon or ammo stores aboard.



After the first twitchy successful turn, I am passing Stead on the way to KTVL, a typical First Flight shake down flight for me on a new bird.





Over the lake...



Making a very high speed dive on KTVL before attempting a landing.



Coming back for my first attempt.



Sweet lines...



Getting lined up, flaps down one, gear still stowed to keep it clean for now.



Looking good....



Loooking gooooooddddd....but looks are deceiving. Thankfully Crash Detection is OFF...so I powered back on in my Second Life as a resurrected Flight Simulator Pilot with many cat's worth of lives...(we died horribadly in the first attempt, speed dropped too much and then so did the right wing, and then we died.).



Coming if for Attempt #2...but, another cat's life down...not sure wtf happened this crash, but the very high approach requiring spoilers is probably a good clue... :)



Third try is the charm....and we get to try out the pretty drag chute...and use the hell out of the brakes. But, got it down ...alive...although if I were in Airhauler I am sure I would have taken some damage points.



Not your typical aircraft visitor at South Lake Tahoe. But the bar tenders here all know the pilot prefers a cold stout after a new ride. :)





And thanks for the Sale MilViz!



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Thanks guys. It sure is a handful, and makes it obvious right on take off. This thing does Not like to go slow.


I am so in love with MilViz products. I have several choppers, and several GA's...this is my second Mil-MilViz. T-38 was the first, but I don't fly that too much...ok, truth is...I forgot I had it. I keep scrolling past it in the aircraft list thinking it is a default plane :D


They have a terrific "Grit" to their interiors, and exteriors are extremely detailed. They are like the A2A company, they both share a mission to detail the S$%t out of their products. Love em both.

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I am so in love with MilViz products......


They have a terrific "Grit" to their interiors, and exteriors are extremely detailed....


I commented on their Phantom recently it is a great addon. I too love Milviz products and the F100 is a fantastic piece of work.


I must dig out their F86 Sabre and refresh myself on the quality of that Milviz offering.


Fantastic screen shots mate.

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