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Norway F-16s Shoot Up Control Tower

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Norway F-16s Shoot Up Control Tower




Hmm - this is a whole new angle on the old saw about when a pilot screws up, the pilot dies; when an air traffic controller screws up, the pilot dies.


Fortunately, nobody died or was hurt this time.  No mention about casualties to underwear, which may have been significant.





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Firing on a control tower is a very strange thing to do and grossly negligent.  Outside of the range target area all weapons systems should have been made safe. Also making an unauthorised attacking run on a control tower with weapon systems that the pilot may have thought safe is still a bad enough breach of discipline.  Clearly the pilot of this F16 didn't check his weapon systems and made an attacking run on an unauthorised target, so I think he can kiss goodbye to the Norwegian Air Force at the very least.

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I'm pretty sure there must be more to the story than we're hearing, since the article says it happened once before.  I get the idea this is not a classic airfield control tower but a tower at the range location; I believe they said they were "controlling targets".  Maybe hard to see and in too close proximity to the hot zone, maybe poor procedures, maybe cowboy pilots - who knows.  I doubt we'll ever find out.  Happy nobody was hurt.



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I'm with JohnA on this, and the phrase "not unprecedented" also rings true with certain recollections of mine with <*cough*> another Air Force.   :cool:   As I have reason to know from personal experience, these things happen (boys and their toys etc.).    ;)




Note that the RNAF has a firing range in the vicinity....   :th_blush:





a.k.a. brian747



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I would normally associate a control tower with an airfield but I guess a tower location to control the activities on a range night seem like a good idea.  So I guess it could be within the live firing window of a fast jet, especially as the weapons armed time no matter how short might well carry a fast aircraft over the end of a range before they are made safe.


It is still poor discipline I think, but it could be that an attacking run was made from a wrong angle or the weapons discharge was late.   We will never know.


Who knows, may be a dropped phone, watching repeats of Dallas on the HUD or even lighting a cigarette.  A moments lapse in concentration and you have the Norwegian Air Force's equivalent of a pileup on the M25.    


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