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Taburet British Isles3d night light MAJOR FPS LOSS

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Now a few of you will know about the issue I had will orbx night lights, I have become a little obsesive about night lighting as it really adds to that realism and immersion! I decided ok I should purchase a night light addon to add lights into FSX SE. I did my research came across TABURET and decided to purchase  2 different ones: Germany and Denmark and the British isles ( I was really exited to try them out ). The Germany scenery was good no issues. However British Isles was an other story... i spawned in London ( a fame intensive city! ) I have a pretty good PC:

I5-4690 @ 3.90HZ
GTX 960
and I fly alot out of London! After installing Taburet British ilse I was getting 1 frame in the london ( I do have a addon scenery for London too), Gatwich 14-18 frames... Something isnt right... Its a great product dont get me wrong! I cant fly out of london though because of performance issues.. Any suggestions? As I payed $13 and its not fly-able.( effects my frames even during day
bonus point: I know its Taburet addon effecting my frames cause I uninstalled it, and it went back to 30 ish Frames on the runway at heathrow with aerosoft scenery. And I did contact Taburet by email, however would love some other ideas from other users maybe.
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As you recognise and are already aware, London is one of the many cities and surrounding areas which is a well known FPS hog. Adding additional airport scenery to this is certainly not going to help. Clearly, adding Taburet on top of this again is having a compounding affect on frame rates.


Try uninstalling the London add-on scenery and installing Taburet and compare the FPS. This will most likely only confirm that one or the other, or a combination of the two is just far too frame rate intensive. 


Optimising FSX cfg files is really your only option, but unlikely to solve a problem with such an impact on frame rates. It sounds like the Taburet developers have not optimised their add-on for use with other scenery add-ons, and I doubt you will get any joy in the response to your email. This could just end up being a case of $13 wasted - it's happened to most at some time.

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A little more research via a very quick and simple Google search returns this http://www.avsim.com/topic/453248-night-lighting-orbx-vs-aerosoft-vs-taburet/ among many others.


I only read the first page of comments, but there are many references to major FPS hits (down to 1 FPS) in other geographical areas with Taburet products. I have now come to the conclusion that Taburet is a highly suspect product and a waste of money.


I think the reality here is, you are not going to get any joy with Taburet in the London area.


However, if you are aware that it "... works well with others with a pc as good as mine...", maybe you should ask them what is causing your problem.

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Thanks for yuor responses! I really appreciate the support I receive cause I have had bad experiences with orbx support in regards to my light issue which in turns has lead me to this TABURET issue. But I will put out there it effects London but manchester is fine and my germany land class is fine just London those big cities FRAME HOG!


One more question why does TABURET effect my simming even at day time??? No lights out then...



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1 hour ago, gavoon1 said:

One more question why does TABURET effect my simming even at day time??? No lights out then...


Because the scenery is still active in your scenery cfg, even though you don't see it until it is dark enough.

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12 hours ago, gavoon1 said:



One more question why does TABURET effect my simming even at day time??? No lights out then...



Actaully it's a problem Orbx discovered years ago. It seems fsx still renders the lights without them being lit. It was very noticeable flying in ultimate terrain X regions from Flight 1.  Orbx discovered a sort of solution by using a new script called 'Ftx day' and 'ftx night'. Essentially, clicking ftx day disabled the hidden lighting in areas. Ftx night reset the lighting to 'on' both scripts are available as part of ftx central. 


As for Taburet, well I don't like their products. They make some god awful scenery for x plane that to be honest, you can make yourself. Their lighting products also have massive issues here and there. Night environment however is excellent and will change the way your sim looks.  


Jess B

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2 minutes ago, gavoon1 said:

so aerosoft night lights has good performance, for sure is that a promise with my pc specs?

Always difficult to say. However, Aerosoft offer a free demo of night environment, centred around Berlin. You can always download that and give it a try. Scroll down to the bottom of the page for the demo. 




Run a test flight before you install though, say from Berlin Tegel or Templehof, both during the day and night. Berlin is a very heavy area anyway, even in default. Make a note of the performance, then try the same thing with the NE demo installed. Hopefully you'll be ok. 

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Thank you Jess :wub:



if you choose to go with Aerosoft's Night Environment you will find our support forums is dedicated to Night Flights; with all the support and information you need,

you will have direct channel to the developer (Me ^_^) to help with any issue you may come across, http://forums.nightenvironment.com/

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and NE stands for what again?


I really am happy to receive this support as I have orbx fix global base I am gonna try a few more things cause their night lighting (when it works ) is a lot LESS expensive then investing in all those light packs...

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1 hour ago, gavoon1 said:

and NE stands for what again?


I really am happy to receive this support as I have orbx fix global base I am gonna try a few more things cause their night lighting (when it works ) is a lot LESS expensive then investing in all those light packs...


Look very closely at the post above yours and look for any combination of words starting with N and E. Then, look at the URL link provided, and finally, in case you missed all of those, look at the signature block.

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I found these as well. It really is rather confusing now.
NE Nebraska (US postal abbreviation)
NE Northeast(ern)
NE Any
NE New England
NE New Edition
NE Netherlands
NE National Education
NE Niue
NE No Evidence (school grading system)
Ne Neon
NE Niger (ISO country code, top level domain)
NE Neuchâtel (canton postcode, Switzerland)
NE Net Energy (animal science)
NE Newcastle Upon Tyne (postcode, United Kingdom)
NE Norepinephrine
NE National Enquirer
NE No Escape (Gaming clan)
NE Night Elf (Warcraft III)
NE Night Elf (gaming)
NE Nueva Ecija (Philippines)
NE Nash Equilibrium (game theory)
NE Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle)
NE Nuclear Envelope (cell anatomy)
NE Node Element
NE Nitro Express
NE Nutrition Educator
NE Naval Engineer
NE Neutral Evil (gaming)
NE Nocturnal Emission
NE Navy Enlisted
NE Necrotic Enteritis (enterotoxemic disease of poultry)
NE Network Essentials
NE Non-Established
NE Naked Empire (Terry Goodkind book)
NE Operation Noble Eagle
NE Not Estimable
nE Nach Elfmeterschießen (German soccer)
NE Navy Enterprise
NE Navio Escola (School Ship, Portuguese Navy)
NE Navy Evaluation
NE New Technical Environment
NE Occupation Special Delivery (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
NE Natural England (UK)
NE Neuss (German city)
NE Nitzer Ebb (band)
NE Noise Equivalent
NE Nuclear Energy
NE New Entrant
NE Network Element
NE Neuenburg (Neuchâtel; Swiss Canton)
NE Not Examined
NE Neutrophil Elastase
NE Not Evaluated (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species category)
NE not enrolled
NE Not Equal
NE Nuclear Engineer
NE Neuquen (Argentina province, airline code)
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In deference to my estimed colleague above, In this instance, NE stands for Night Environment, Taburet's main opposition and in my opinion, superior. :)

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Thank's guys :thum:


17 hours ago, gavoon1 said:

and NE stands for what again?.


did you find the answer to your question Gavin? ;)

in case the answer still eludes you... NE stands for -> Night Environment



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