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RAF Cosford 2016 FlightSim Show

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I'm afraid that me and the Huz are going to be no shows this year as well.. family comittments have caught up with us..


Look forward to hearing reports from those that make it to the show. If last year was anything to go by, you'll have a great time, although this time there won't be any of that yummy cake of Joe's on offer.. [hey Jess, you got that recipe for me yet?] nom nom!


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I was there and was disappointed.  There seemed to be fewer stands than last year and those that were there had a smaller footprint.


Last last there was only one stand with VR demos, this year there were three or four.  This VR presence saved the show for me as I wanted to get a feel for what it had to offer.


I was quite impressed with Oculus Rift's headset, and I think it is probably the way to go, at least the way I will go. Looking at the other options to build a realistic cockpit, five hundred quid seems to be a budget option.  There was a full Airbus cockpit there, available for a figure north of £10k, and a neat little jet fighter cockpit the could be bought with many options that cost about £1500 for the shell up to £10k for all the bells and whistles.  


After the show, I am convinced that I will be selling all of my saitek panels, track IT etc. and clearing the decks for VR. That was the main decision made, and my foremost reason for going to the show, so I was happy.

Edited by J G
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I was there and was disappointed. There seemed to be fewer stands than last year and those that were there had a smaller footprint.


I agree with you, John. Whilst I still enjoyed the day, I seemed to be wandering around trying to find somewhere to go, or someone to talk to (after I had made my initial tour of the various stands). Others commented on this aswell. I will mention that when I compile my show report, to give Just Flight a bit of feedback. We definitely need the Mutley's Hangar stand back next year! ORBx are also apparently going to be there "in force" in 2017. One seminar (repeated in the afternoon) was also a backward step compared to the three separate seminars of the previous two shows.


On the plus side, I finally got to meet another member of the UK2000 team after seven years as a beta tester! :)


EDIT: Keystone Games were supposed to be there this year, but they never turned up. I asked the Just Flight guys about this, and they were as baffled as I was.

Edited by Christopher Low
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Hi Chris & John


Thanks for the feedback, we've already had internal discussions about next year and plan to be there. Unfortunately this year I had to take a break and most of the Mutley Crew (Jess, Micke, Tim and Brian) were unavailable too.  We will put that right next year, a lot of people used our stand as a meeting place so we were of some use.


All the best,




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