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Leg 25 - Ted Stevens Intl PANC - Juneau PAJN

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I thought I would get this post started as I have just landed at Juneau.

It was an excellent flight and really enjoyable as it was my first for some while :sadblinky:

Pictures to follow once I have sorted through the 112 pictures :mrhappy:

(Don't get too excited though they're not brilliant!)

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Hi and welcome to leg 25 of the challenge.

It has been a long week, 72 hours non-stop work, then a trans-Atlantic flight across to SFO.

What Sam and Simi didn't realise is that I was in disguise as one of the passengers on their flights. Just checking that the rules were being followed.. Well done guys you passed with flying colours!

So whilst sat in my hotel room last night I decided to get my route organised. A look on Google Earth (As seems to be the norm now!) showed that the near 600 mile trip was no easy task, in the turbo-prop it was going to take nearly 4 hours

Here's the view from Ted Stevens, I'm going way over the horizon.


Mostly out to sea so the altitude is my choice.


The approach in should be interesting flying up a channel with mountains either side.


So the course was plotted into FS Nav, which was lucky as it meant I could let George take most of the strain.


We've got clearance so just taxiing to the active.


In the queue, this is a busy airport, the helicopter guy in front was giving the ATC hell for not allowing him a quick departure straight up! He never stopped complaining.


Finally off, as Simi said it's mighty cold up here after my last flight in the Pacific.


We were flying into some murky weather a cold front was passing North.


I'm pleased not to have any passengers "yakking" in the back, it was really turbulent, just the weather I enjoy!


We're cruising at just over FL12, I don't want to go lower as I want to steer well clear of the mountains.


At last, we clear the mucky stuff and emerge the other side unscathed.


From here on in it gets really picturesque, these shots will not do it justice.


The cargo is well strapped in, might as well make some money on this flight too! [Edited]


We begin our descent.


A well mapped out STAR to take in all the sights.


Making our way through the numerous inland waters.


Also got the radar altimeter working too just in case.


Making good progress we're going to be in before dusk.


Now I don't want to get stranded down there.


As you can see, some of the lakes are still frozen, even in spring.


Well into fjord country now.


That looks like the "Dawn Princess" a regular visitor.


What did I tell you! I would make a good local guide, but the monies's not so good.


We are fast approaching our final way point before the final stretch.


Turning at the way point, soon we be flying up the channel you saw in the Google shot earlier.


Pre-landing checks, gear in transit.


Our destination is in sight, landing checks complete, everything stowed and fags out, (Oh, I don't smoke!)


Last adjustments to clear the mountains and onto finals.


Steady as she goes.



Over the numbers...


And down, pressing the brakes hard and F2 for a bit of reverse!


Runway clear Mr controller.


Engine off and shutting down.


A taste of things to come. I wonder if that's Fred as he's taking the baton to the Yukon next.


Doors open, the cargo handlers are on their way to unload.


Just writing this log for you now!


I hope you enjoyed this flight :mrhappy:

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Beautiful beautiful shots Mutley! Really enjoyed them!

A taste of things to come. I wonder if that's Fred as he's taking the baton to the Yukon next.

Im sorry to say its not. I arived in PAJN in a 737 though - a dash 400 of alaska.

Im borrowing an RCAF training aircraft for my next leg, but need to check daylight hours so I can see what time departure will be (im flying VFR) - either today or sunday.

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Thanks Fred, I had a feeling you were here as there were hundreds of screaming girls on the balcony and I don't usually get that sort of reception :mrhappy:

Good luck with your flight, a Chippy?


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Thanks Fred, I had a feeling you were here as there were hundreds of screaming girls on the balcony and I don't usually get that sort of reception :mrhappy:

...they have a habit of doing that. Must get my flight following data cancelled (so you cant track me) at Flightaware.com.

Hope they wernt in the way when you were parking. :eyebrow:

Good luck with your flight, a Chippy?

Bang on. Going to take the bubble canopy version out, as i rarely fly the Chippie anywhere but the UK, and so havent flown this variant before

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