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Moar Skyvan: Henderson, NV to Cedar City Utah.

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Really a superb airplane for Airhauler2. I am working my way around the major freeways circling the bulk of the Western States, placing Airhauler bases at roughly 120 mile distances along the route...an economy cruise 1-Hour flight (about the length of a Netflix show after I get up and nav settled...pretty good timing for my habits :) ) for the smallest of the fleet , my Base Scout, an SC7 Skyvan. I have it configured to carry up to 19 passengers, but usually fly with a half load of commodities and from 2-6 passengers and their bags.

My requirements for bases are: ILS, Lights, Commodities on site, Interesting airport scenery...and at least one Gate....the later pretty much guaranteed with the former, but precludes Military Bases that sometimes have 0 gates and all of the above.


Here is my Proposed Plan Map: Blue Dots are Completed and Active Bases so far, Green Dots are bases currently Under Construction including the brand new Cedar City Base at 0% completed...the blank Red Dots are Proposed General Locations to find the next bases...still to be determined and decided on once I see the actual airfield in person.




Latest Leg/AdHoc Pax and Commodity scouting trip...KHND - KCDC.


All seated, engines on, ILS and Taxi clearances are set...lets Go.



Up and out of the Las Vegas area...Sin City in the background, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, except for cargo and Pax.



Utah...rugged and interesting to fly to/from...hope Cedar has good facilities, if not I have an alternate about 50 miles further, but that isn't ideal for my base spacing plan.



This is why I set the ILS requirement...we intend to complete jobs and get pax to our bases, and not go to alternates if we can help it.



I feel like I am getting the hang of using ILS, and the fuel tanks on this bird. I had 45 lbs of cargo space to spare, and I will be landing with 6.5 gallons of fuel left...efficient use of my cargo space, reckless risk of my pax lives. :/ I think I'll put on a bit more fuel next time...promise. :)



Oh, yahhhh...this base looks like it will work just fine. Lots of hangars, parking spots, folks around the gates...quite scenic. We like.



Passengers do too. Disembarking the passengers then I am heading to the leasing office to see about a large hangar for my fleet.



Thanks for flying along Pax!






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Thanks all for the kind comments about my favorite new ugly box van kite. :D

Beauty is in the Wallet of the Beholder I guess...My AH2 Wallet is getting Fat with these lovely flying dog shelters....nyanny nyanny nyannny. :P




1 hour ago, rosariomanzo said:

A nice reading, Matt, and great shots too. I should take the plunge (again) with Airhauler. I still have the old version.


I haven't touched Old AH since the AH2 EA release at Just Flight began. It has Far more depth now...although bugs are still in the system, and the UI could be more UFriendly in places.

Simply being able to combine Pax and Cargos/Commodities and set your own destination is a Huge Plus.

Old AH:

Open one of several companies depending on where in the world I want to fly,

schedule AI's to fly all the best paying jobs mindful of each job's start/end time...

find a job from one of my bases heading in a *direction (rarely to a *field) i'd like to fly.

Fly the job, make money.

Close game.


New AH:

Decide where in world to fly.

Open one of of several companies

Check Pax routes to see if they are running smooth and selling enough tickets, adjust sectors if necc.

Check Assigned jobs...any TOO CLOSE to completion that need a hand? Help out if so...let AI roll if not.

Check Factory production.

Check Mission offerings at various bases, anybody want anything created by or stored already at your factories?...SELL it MAN!!! (probably not though...move on to next step)

Check for Pax Ride Missions...anybody going somewhere interesting, willing to pay a bundle, and not leaving middle of the night UTC? Take the job if so...

Check cargo jobs at bases, assign most profitable to  AI crew or Crews...yep, you can assign multiple C208s to shuttle a 747's worth of cargo if you wish...but we still recommend you use a 747 :D Don't worry too much about end times for jobs, as AI crews are smarter and will pick up cargos along the way if they are heading where they are going...they aren't on Time/Job Order/Rails anymore. AI crews will even offload a cargo that you manually loaded onto their plane after you Position them to the destination...man that part is sweet.



DO EEEET...if you enjoy AH1 you will Love AH2 (and hate parts of it till the bugs get worked out...growing pains are normal, but being part of the EA family and helping the new AH child to grow up is pretty cool.).





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52 minutes ago, wain said:

great shots Matt, liking your plan, how many companies are you running in AH2 now?


6 or 7 Wayne.


Eureka We Haul It is my only carry over from AH1.

Others are scattered around the world, and I delete the smaller of two when they start overlapping territories. Eventually, Eureka will swallow them all and own the World of Coffee's Cargo Hauling...but shhhh...don't let on to my little companies, it worries the Ai to know their careers are with Temp Agencies. :)

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Just having to restart, had P3D issues and now lost patience with it, big uninstall, reinstall FSX and start AH2 again, not lost much as I had lots of small things going on, P3D was behaving like an annoying teenager everytime I fired it up so it got the push regardless of how good it looks, fed up with fixing just want to fly....

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35 minutes ago, wain said:

Just having to restart, had P3D issues and now lost patience with it, big uninstall, reinstall FSX and start AH2 again, not lost much as I had lots of small things going on, P3D was behaving like an annoying teenager everytime I fired it up so it got the push regardless of how good it looks, fed up with fixing just want to fly....


Sorry to hear of your troubles...and dealing with it while sick too. Rats. I know I'd rather be wrapped up in blankets with hot coffee or cold beer Flying while sick, not doing FS maintenance.


I am constantly concerned that I have all my eggs in the FSX basket and that it will break on me some day soon, and expect at some point within the next couple of years when/if Other Sims fulfill the promise of a smooth running 64bit platform I will be making a big switch.

Seeing those loverly clouds in Other Sims color shifts my FSX terrain green with envy...but...OTOH, despite struggling with a nearly full SSD full of ORBx and Airplanes, and avoiding the inevitable having to Uninstall/update Comp/Reinstall everything...it keeps on flying. I get the frequent distance blurriness at altitude, and slow frame rates in heavy weather, but it keeps on flying. I run out of disk space and have to re-prioritize what and where I'm flying, and I have uninstalled all of my EU scenery (just don't get over there often enough to justify the disk space) to make room for lot of small PacIsland sceneries, and a few new NA sceneries (KAVX). And it keeps on flying.


FSX: Old, buggy, blurry, slow at times, but like most of us old codgers gettin' on in years...we keep on flying.


Till they make a 64bit FS that is irresistible, and it coincides with me able to afford it...I guess I'll keep on adding bling to my FSX Virtual mobility chair.



Update on this project...I have set up all the bases. I have pretty compete coverage of the western states, all meet the criteria except a couple Non-ILS base in the middle of nowhere (KTPH-Tonapah, NV...and KWMC-Winnemucca, NV  as there weren't a lot of options out there. :)


I opted to skip KBOI-Boise, ID IDK, Boise just sounded boring. It looked boring when I flew over it. Meh. I continued on to KPDT and set up base there.


Last two bases to complete my base map are the top two green spots at KCOE-Coeur d'Alene, ID and KBTM-Butte, MO...and I plan to AdHoc my way to both of them from KPDT, Eastern Oregon Regl at Pendleton, OR.







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We have noticed your expansion in the north west and your company is perfect for what we need. I am going to make you an offer you can't refuse........:whis: 


Great work Matt, you have reached empire status.:D

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